Reclaiming The Art and Image of Nursing: Participation in Healing Relationships.


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Presentation transcript:

Reclaiming The Art and Image of Nursing: Participation in Healing Relationships.

The True Image of Nursing. The lifeblood of nursing has been slowly seeping away, largely unnoticed by a profession desperately seeking a meaningful identity. Reflection on the rich heritage of the nursing profession would reveal this identity lying dormant and waiting to be rediscovered.

Remembering Our Heritage…. The Art and Science of Caring

Nursing as a Calling Pittman (1985) in her article “goodbye Florence,” stated that nurses’ struggle for status has ended the age of Florence nightingale. Could it be that what nurses need to gain status is to embrace the visionary genius of Florence nightingale?

The Use of “Bad Language”.. Our post modern fear of religiosity has resulted in a virtual ban on certain words such as “calling” and “mother” in connection with nursing image. Is the word “calling” synonymous with the repression of women and the paternalistic relationship of medicine to nursing? Or does it refer to the honor and privilege of participating in relational caring……?

Language has Great Significance ….Discard with Caution A dictionary search of the word “mother” includes the following definitions… “A woman who creates, originates, or founds something.” “A title for a woman respected for her wisdom.” “A guiding influence.” “The most significant example of its kind.”: “ A woman who holds a position of authority or responsibility.”

Which Image………..?

A Sacred Trust. It was Florence Nightingale who created the “art and science” model of professional nursing practice and entrusted it to future generations. It is up to the nurses of the 21 st Century to ensure that the art of nursing is not sacrificed at the altar of the gods of science and technology, fiscal restraint and bureaucracy.

The Nurse- A Rare Combination of Artist, Scientist and Healer.

More than Technical Skills…

Wisdom and Insight. Love of humanity. The ability to share another’s pain. Courage to Offer Hope Courage to Face the Unknown Profound compassion. Presence and Connectedness Comfort with our own and others’ spirituality Empowers Others A Sense of Humour Qualities of The Healer……

The Art of Healing Touch…..

A Love of Humanity…….

Courage to Offer Hope……

Courage to Face the Unknown…

A Sense of Humour……

Caring for the Vulnerable……

Empowering Self and Others……

Connectedness Brings Mutual Healing……

Relational Caring Brings Joy to Those Cared for and the Carer…

Caring Presence and Interconnectedness Brings Hope……

The Heart of Nursing…. The heart of nursing is the caring presence and connectedness of the nurse, the nurse as healer, the integration of caring and healing and the exploration of the meaning that patients and families attach to sickness and death. Science is in awe of, and places great trust in its accomplishments. The heart of the nurse is in awe of the raw courage of the human spirit and stays to offer healing when science has failed.

The Art of Being……. The courage to stay when the limits of science and technology have been reached

The Mutuality of Caring… Jean Watson stated that when we include caring and love into our work, we discover that nursing is not just a job but a life-giving and life receiving career for a lifetime of growth and learning. Watson (2001) According to Hall “It is the experience of caring and the memories of these experiences which lead to confidence, self-esteem and energy…..engagement with patients enriches, protects and empowers the healer.” Hall (1997)

Engagement with Patients Enriches, Empowers and Protects the Healer……..

Caring is an Honor and a Privilege…….

Nurses have….Confidence, Self Esteem &Energy…..

Care for Each Other and Have a Passion for Nursing……

Nursing is…..A Life-Giving and Life-Receiving Career……

….For A Lifetime of Growth and Learning.

References Hall, J. (1997). Nurses as wounded healers;the journey to healing the person and the profession. Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing,4 (1), Pittman, E (1985). Goodbye Florence, the Nurses’ struggle for status has ended the age of Florence Nightingale.Australian society, 8-9 Watson, J. (2001). Watson’s Caring Theory. Retrieved October 14 th, 2005 from University of Colarado Health Sciences Center School of Nursing Web Site: