Information Session for New and Returning Volunteers
WELCOME! The Community Fund Drive is… a charitable-giving, workplace campaign conducted every October driven by lead volunteers from each college or unit and grassroots volunteers from within your units, with help from a volunteer committee (that is us!)
Workplace campaigns are better for the charities: Administrative costs are lower Income is more predictable
Workplace campaigns are better for employees: They are secure and confidential! They are easy!
Top 5 List of Why to Give Through the Community Fund Drive: # 5 The money goes directly to the Federations; the University does not take a share. # 4 During tough economic times, donations go down and needs go up. Giving is the most effective way to impact our community’s most pressing problems. # 3 Federation agencies have all been screened and are legitimate, so there is no worry about a scam. # 2 The wide variety of federation/charity/agency choices covers the full gamut of need in our community, from food shelves to the environment to the arts. # 1 We have strength in numbers here at the University. A lot of donations, even when they are small, add up fast! AND THE # 1 reason why you should give through the Community Fund Drive…
Allen Levine Dean College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences Meredith McQuaid Associate Vice President and Dean Office of International Programs Our campaign co-chairs:
The Community Fund Drive campaign has the enthusiastic support of President Bruininks
Our goal: Colleges and Units Double Participation! Last year’s participation rate was 32.87% of the University community. Everyone can give something, if not money, then time!!!
Mark Your Calendars! Thank-You Celebration Tuesday, November 9 McNamara Memorial Hall 11:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Your role as a Lead is to P.L.A.N.T. Plan Learn Ask Network Thank
PLAN (and PROMOTE) The campaign includes: A printed promotional piece sent to each employee in late September Posters to hang in your areas Campus-wide messages Weekly prize drawings with grand prize drawings at the end of October Plan
Online form is available to request special speakers from the Federations for your units. It can be accessed from this page: Funds are available to sponsor events if your unit needs assistance. Contact: Jim Meland PLAN (and PROMOTE) continued
LEARN Training Manual Plan Learn
The Community Fund is a group of seven federations… Community Shares of MN MN Environmental Fund United Arts Fund United Way Community Health Charities MN UNCF Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless each represent numerous charitable organizations. LEARN continued
Combined, these Federations represent more than 400 charities from which you can choose to donate ………and
if you would prefer to donate to a charity not listed, the Community Fund Drive can also make that happen! (You can donate to any charity with a 501(c)3 IRS Tax Exempt Status.) …and when you give through the Community Fund Drive you are helping to lower administrative costs that your favorite charity would have to spend for individual solicitations!
ASK For participation in: Costume contests, drawings, pancake breakfasts… Pizza lunches, guest speakers, dunk tanks… Bake sales, mailbox stuffers, potlucks… Plan Learn Ask
Plan Learn Ask Network NETWORK For your own inspiration, let’s watch a four- minute video highlighting past events…
Plan Learn Ask Network Thank THANK The Community Fund Drive is nothing without U.
Changes to Online Form Hard copy of Pledge Form Group Donations
Community Fund Drive Online Pledge Form DELETE?
Match Federation to Agency Allocation DELETE?
Change $5 Brain Injury Assoc pledge to $3 = $10 $10 matches federation pledge DELETE?
Match Federation to Agency Allocation DELETE?
$12 to federation, $7 to agency (federation distributes extra $5 as needed) DELETE?
Pledge to Agency Not on List DELETE?
Pledge to Agencies Not on List DELETE?
Acknowledgement DELETE?
Prize Drawing if Not Pledging DELETE?
Confirmation Page DELETE?
Remember to Submit Your Pledge DELETE?
It is a great learning experience and an opportunity to gain new skills; You get to network with a variety of people across the University; It will invigorate you and your co- workers; Why Volunteer…
You will build friendships and a sense of community within your college and unit, while raising money for important causes; It is a great way to experience the “Helper’s High,” a scientifically- documented observation that those who volunteer will produce more mood-boosting endorphins. Why Volunteer continued…
Thank you!