Brianna Wyble Lacey Clarke Brucellosis Brianna Wyble Lacey Clarke
Brucellosis An infectious disease that spreads from animals to people usually through unpasteurized milk, cheese, and other dairy products. -The bacteria, Brucella, settles in the reproductive organs of host animals, which causes abortions and sterility. -It is shed in large numbers in the animal’s urine, milk, and placental fluid.
Symptoms In Animals: high abortion rate, arthritic joints, scrotal inflammation, and inflammation of the testicles in males. In Humans: fever, sweats, physical weakness, joint pain, loss of appetite, back pains, and headaches.
Affected Animals Most commonly from dogs and cattle. But also sheep goats, deer, elk, pigs, and several other animals.
How its contracted from animals Eating or drinking something contaminated (unpasteurized products), breathing it in, or having it enter through skin wounds. Humans become infected by coming in contact with animals or animal products that are contaminated. People working in jobs where they come in contact with animals or meat are at a higher risk of being infected (farmers, veterinarians, & slaughterhouse workers).
The Effects of the contraction Brucellosis can cause chronic weakness along with being unhealthy and sick feeling long term. Death only occurs if the development of Endocarditis, a rare form of Brucellosis, takes place. But the death rate is less than 2-5%.
Facts Diagnosis can be determined by finding Brucella organisms in samples of bone or bone marrow. Doctors can prescribe antibiotics (Doxycycline and Rifampin) for 6 weeks. -recovery can take a few weeks to a few months. Vaccinations are available for cattle, but not for humans.
Relapses can occur and symptoms can occur for a few years. Hunters may get infected by accidently ingesting the bacteria after cleaning the animal they have killed. Most common in countries with lest effective public health and domestic animal health programs. -high risk areas: South & Central America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean Basin.
Other information Direct person-to-person spread is extremely are but possible through mothers who breastfeed their babies. Hunters, animal herdsman, and anybody who handles meat should wear rubber gloves when handling the organs and other body parts of animals.
There is about 100-200 cases each year in the United States, making it extremely rare here. Do not or avoid eating unpasteurized milk, cheese, and ice cream while traveling. It is transmitted with animals through breeding.