Platform features for comprehensive crisis recovery 1 Jan Willem Streefkerk, Martijn Neef, Reinout Pieneman, Kees van Dongen – TNO Kenny Meesters – Tilburg University The Netherlands HCII 2014 – Crete, Greece
2 COBACORE; EU FP7 project No Community-Based Comprehensive Recovery
COBACORE vision Support disaster recovery efforts via an environment that: facilitates wide collaboration-building and needs assessment. makes it easier for stakeholder parties to get to know each other and share information from different perspectives, jointly work towards an acceptable and clear disaster recovery plan 3 affected community supporting environment needs observations & knowledge capacities needs observations & knowledge capacities virtual professional local media
Relief or recovery? COBACORE focuses on recovery Efforts for restoring long-term stability 4 built environment built environment social, cultural and educational domain economical domain economical domain mobility & transport mobility & transport vital infrastructures vital infrastructures healthcare security and safety security and safety institutional domain institutional domain RECOVERY DOMAINS needs & capacities environmental domain environmental domain
Issues in recovery Missing an integrated approach to disaster recovery, starting with a shared information overview People from different groups (professionals, volunteers) are not working together Potential help from volunteers (responding community) is not reaching the affected community 5
State-of-the-art Global Disaster Alert Coordination System
GDACS - explanation GDACS provides alerts and impact estimations after major disasters through a multi-hazard disaster impact assessment service managed by the European Commission Joint Research Centre. GIS data: In-situ sensor data, model output data, priority areas, baseline data, satellite image derived data (examples: flood extent, earthquake damage assessment, landslide extent) Satellite Mapping Coordination System: a tool for GIS-experts working with satellite imagery to have information on who does what and where in terms of satellite image analysis per event. Media information: mass and social media, specifically related to events Some 14,000 disaster managers from governmental and non- governmental organisations have subscribed to the VirtualOSOCC and use the tool for information exchange and coordination in the first disaster phase
State-of-the-art INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community)
INSPIRE INSPIRE Geoportal Discovery/Viewer - Tool used for searching, discovering and accessing geographic information provided by governmental, commercial and non-commercial organisations. The INSPIRE directive aims to create a European Union (EU) spatial data infrastructure via a information geoportal viewer (supported by a data validation tool) This will enable the sharing of environmental spatial information among public sector organisations and better facilitate public access to spatial information across Europe.
State-of-the-art People Locator (Sahana)
State-of-the-art Twitcident
State-of-the-art Tweet Tracker
COBACORE features 13 responding community responding professionals affected community trained volunteer responders information exchange collaboration support needs & capacity matching
Feature: Needs-Capacity Matching Registering Registering needs from affected community Registering capacities from responding community Semantic Matching Listing needs and capacities (‘marketplace’) Matching capacities to needs (suggestions) Overview Map / list with needs and capacities Aggregated categories for professionals 14 AC PO RC TV
RC Feature: Information Exchange 15 AC PO TV Improve information exchange between the professional community and the affected community Enhance needs awareness in the professional community Enhance recovery activity awareness in the affected community In addition to needs/capacity overview: A baseline situation overview from the affected area Plan / activity sharing between professionals affected
Mobilise and facilitate the responding community Inform professional organizations of activities by the responding community Registration of actors and activities Organization/capacity/activity overview Activity suggestion (‘nudging’) AC PO RC TV Feature: Collaboration Support
Prototype - screenshots Needs / Capacity overview
Prototype - screenshots Registering a capacity
Prototype - screenshots Status and contact
“Intermediate” evaluation June, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Simulated disaster game “COBAGAME” Three groups (20 affected; 11 responding; 5 professionals) Different neighbourhoods in disaster area; Interacting via COBACORE platform to ask and receive help Method Observations, questionnaires, brainstorm discussion Qualitative data on: COBACORE concept, usability and usefulness, operational value & feature additions/changes Video impression 20
Preliminary results COBACORE seen as big opportunity, real help in disaster recovery. Affected: Feedback on status and progress of needs Personal overview of own needs and help offered Responding: Clear overview of aggregated needs and capacities Support in coordination with other responding communities Professionals: Tools to assess ‘mismatches’: areas without capacities Possibility to prioritize needs / activities 21
Conclusions COBACORE focuses on comprehensive disaster recovery, by Supporting needs-capacity matching Aiding community members to find and help each other Creating recovery awareness in professional community First iteration of COBACORE platform tested with end-users Opportunities for added value in disaster recovery Usability and feature design issues should be addressed Future work: Continuing development and extension of the platform 2015: Evaluation in field setting on the Dutch-German border 22
Thank you for your attention! COBACORE website: COBACORE platform: Partners: 23 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no