Mrs. Bergstrom, Classroom Teacher Mrs. Mueller, Classroom Teacher Mrs. Remmes, Special Education Teacher Mrs. Hickey, AIS/Reading Intervention Mrs. Ziegler, AIS/Math Intervention Mrs. Staley, Teaching Assistant
8:05-First Bell 8:15- Second Bell, Students are in the classroom 2:15- Dismissal begins
I will respect myself, others, and all property. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. NO FIGHTING AT ANY TIME! I will be responsible for my actions and do my best work. Follow all directions given by an adult. Speak politely to all Holmes Community Members.
Each absenteeism requires a note on the day the students return to school, explaining the absence. If no excuse is received, the absence will be considered illegal.
If your child normally takes the bus home and there is a change of plans (i.e. walks home or goes on a different bus), a signed and dated note is needed so we are aware of any changes. If we don’t receive this, your child will be sent home on their regular bus. Late buses will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. This allows students to stay for after-school activities.
Homework will be given Monday- Thursday for math, word study, science, and social studies. Homework should not exceed 60 minutes per day. If your child is exceeding an hour per day, please contact the teacher immediately. Assignments are written in their agendas, please use agendas to communicate with your child’s teacher.
Independent reading expectation is a level P/Q in September. Ability to read/ write for a sustained period of time at an independent level. A level 3 on the grade 3 (April 2011) New York State ELA
Those students that received a 1 or 2 on the NYS third grade ELA exam. O or lower on the F/P reading assessment this September. Level 1/ Lower Level 2 on NYS/ELA Exam will have a more intense daily intervention with Mrs. Hickey. Letters of AIS services will be sent out by the end of September. As always continue reading/ writing alongside your child. Talking about the book he/ or she is reading will be an essential element of your child’s reading progress this year.
A list of spelling words will be sent home every other Monday. There will be no regular Friday test, it will be replaced by pop-quizzes every so often. Throughout the two weeks of study, the students will complete different activities.
We will be following the NYS Standards while beginning to integrate the National Core Curriculum Learning Standards for Mathematics. There will be a great deal of emphasis on the following: Multiplication Fact Fluency A greater understanding of fractions Application of concepts and skills at 4 th grade level
There will be a shift in guided reading to include both 50% fiction and 50% nonfiction texts to include textbooks. The children will be expected to read and comprehend at a higher level of text complexity. They will be asked to do written responses to reading by providing more information directly from the text. There will be more content vocabulary work.
The children will be required to complete narrative, opinion, and research writing pieces. They will have more opportunities to self-reflect on their writing and set goals using writing rubrics.
The science curriculum includes the following theme units: Life Science Physical Science Space Earth Science The children will be doing hands-on activities to reinforce concepts learned and to also help prepare for the NYS Science Test.
Focuses on NYS Geography and History.
Tests will be given in the spring in the following areas: English Language Arts Mathematics Science More specific information and dates will follow.
Report cards will be issued to children in 4th grade, 4 times per year. (November, January, April, and June) Grading for report cards will be determined by Common Formative Assessments and daily effort both at school and for homework. Students will be graded on both achievement and effort.
Students are not allowed to bring any electronic devices to school such as: mp3 players, video games, handhelds, or cell phones. THE TEACHERS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS!
Will be held in the fall and spring. Students should attend the spring conference. Please sign up with your child’s teacher tonight. Sign up sheets will be outside classrooms 212 and 214. Choose your preferred date and time, reminders will be sent home prior to conference.