American Indians Caroline McIntier April Sauer Rachel Van Atta ED
American Indian Unit Grade: 1st Grade: 1st Lesson: to explore American Indian life through literature, creating rain sticks and dream catchers, playing a Native American memory game, and taking a field trip to the production of “Blue Jacket” Lesson: to explore American Indian life through literature, creating rain sticks and dream catchers, playing a Native American memory game, and taking a field trip to the production of “Blue Jacket”
Objectives Students will explore American Indian life including living conditions, government, family life, survival methods, rituals, etc. Students will explore American Indian life including living conditions, government, family life, survival methods, rituals, etc. Students will experience American Indian rituals by creating rain sticks and dream catchers and playing a Native American memory game. Students will experience American Indian rituals by creating rain sticks and dream catchers and playing a Native American memory game. Students will explore the life of the famous Blue Jacket. Students will explore the life of the famous Blue Jacket.
Activity 1 Read stories about American Indian cultures
Materials Needed Any books related to American Indians Any books related to American Indians EXAMPLES: EXAMPLES: Crow Chief by Paul Goble Corn is Maize by Aliki Turquoise Boy by Terri Cohlene Rainplayer by David Wiseniewski
Activity 2 Create dream catchers
Materials Needed a bendable twig about 1 foot long a bendable twig about 1 foot long a few inches of thin wire a few inches of thin wire some twine some twine beads with large holes beads with large holes a few feathers a few feathers
Legend of the Dream Catcher The circular dream catchers made from willow branches, sinew, feathers, and beads also contain objects that have meaning for the sleeper. They are hung above beds and over the cradles of babies. They believe that good dreams go through the hole in the center, reaching the sleeper and bad dreams are caught in the webbing like flies in a spider web.
Activity 3 Create rain sticks
Materials Needed Mailing tube or wrapping paper tube Mailing tube or wrapping paper tube Stickers, decals, paint, markers Stickers, decals, paint, markers Hard paper or poster board Hard paper or poster board Scissors Scissors Rice or dried beans, or popcorn kernels Rice or dried beans, or popcorn kernels
Theory behind the “rain stick” Indians make rain sticks from dried cactus with seeds inside which, when shaken, make the sound of falling rain. Indians make rain sticks from dried cactus with seeds inside which, when shaken, make the sound of falling rain. For centuries, rain sticks have been used in ceremonial rituals by various tribes to bring rain to badly needed areas of the desert. The rain stick was used by these tribes to tell the gods that rain was badly needed. For centuries, rain sticks have been used in ceremonial rituals by various tribes to bring rain to badly needed areas of the desert. The rain stick was used by these tribes to tell the gods that rain was badly needed.
Activity 4 Play Native American game “Pass the Stone”
Materials Needed 2 small objects of exact size, shape, and texture; but of different colors such as stones, clay balls, beads, etc (ex: stones or beads) 2 small objects of exact size, shape, and texture; but of different colors such as stones, clay balls, beads, etc (ex: stones or beads)
Memory Games “Pass the Stone” as well as many more memory games are derived from the American Indian culture. “Pass the Stone” as well as many more memory games are derived from the American Indian culture.
Activity 5 Field trip to the production of “Blue Jacket” Caesar’s Ford Park Ampitheatre 520 South Stringtown Rd. Xenia, OH
Materials Needed Appropriate dress Appropriate dress Adult: $17.00, Student: $16.00 Adult: $17.00, Student: $16.00 Student emergency forms Student emergency forms Permission slips Permission slips
Blue Jacket Education Programs Mission Statement First Frontier, Inc. is one of the principle, cultural, resources of Southern Ohio, as well as a leader in Outdoor Drama and is nationally recognized for its production. It is the largest and sole professional theatre company in Greene County. First Frontier, Inc. is one of the principle, cultural, resources of Southern Ohio, as well as a leader in Outdoor Drama and is nationally recognized for its production. It is the largest and sole professional theatre company in Greene County.
Mission Statement cont. The mission of First Frontier, Inc. is to create extraordinary theatre productions, educational outreach, and community programs which challenge, entertain and stimulate the imagination of audiences. First Frontier, Inc. is committed to producing affordable works of theatre that enhance and reflect the quality of life in our community: past, present, and future. The mission of First Frontier, Inc. is to create extraordinary theatre productions, educational outreach, and community programs which challenge, entertain and stimulate the imagination of audiences. First Frontier, Inc. is committed to producing affordable works of theatre that enhance and reflect the quality of life in our community: past, present, and future.
The Legend of Blue Jacket Blue Jacket was born in Blue Jacket was born in He was a Virginia white boy captured by the Shawnee during the Revolutionary War. He was a Virginia white boy captured by the Shawnee during the Revolutionary War. The Indians were so impressed with him that they made him chief. The Indians were so impressed with him that they made him chief. His life prior to fifty is open for discussion. His life prior to fifty is open for discussion. It is known that he was mentored by a chief named Little Turtle. It is known that he was mentored by a chief named Little Turtle.
The Legend of Blue Jacket cont. Blue Jacket was later chosen as the new chief, and lead them in the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Blue Jacket was later chosen as the new chief, and lead them in the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The Battle of Fallen Timbers ended in defeat and the signing of the Treaty of Greene Ville. The Battle of Fallen Timbers ended in defeat and the signing of the Treaty of Greene Ville.
Hyperlinks Activity 1: Native American Books Activity 1: Native American BooksNative American BooksNative American Books Activity 2: Dream Catcher - Enchanted Learning Software Activity 2: Dream Catcher - Enchanted Learning SoftwareDream Catcher - Enchanted Learning SoftwareDream Catcher - Enchanted Learning Software Activity 3: rainstick: Information and Much More from Activity 3: rainstick: Information and Much More from Answers.comrainstick: Information and Much More from Answers.comrainstick: Information and Much More from Activity 4: Native American Games | Activity 4: Native American Games | Native American Games | Native American Games | Activity 5: Blue Jacket Drama Activity 5: Blue Jacket DramaBlue Jacket DramaBlue Jacket Drama