“Back to the Basics” James 5: 13-18
The Power of Fervent Prayer The word “effective” means: producing the effect desired or intended. That is having the adequate power or force to produce an effect, or outcome to achieve results. The word “fervent” means: according to (Acts 18:25; zealous); fiery enthusiasm or energetic. In the book of James, this word seems to denote the inspired prayer or prayers of the righteous, worked by the operation of the Holy Spirit, makes us powerful individuals. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer An Effective Church Prays Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr. What would happens if we came together as a church, realizing the power that is working in us? To be an effective praying church, we must understand the power that’s at work in us. We have to understand that this power works from the divine energy of the spirit in us. This makes us effective according to the scripture that says; “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that work in us”. Eph.3:20
The Power of Fervent Prayer We Are The Temples Of God We must recognize that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us.” …What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Cor. 6:19 ….I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God and they shall be my people 2 Cor. 6:16 Know you not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Cor. 3:16. We are also told that we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus himself being the corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together and grows into a holy temple of the Lord (Ephesians 2:20-21). Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer We are God’s Habitation Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr. In whom ye also are built together for a habitation of God through the spirit (Eph.2: 22). We have the power of prayer in us to bring about an effect. We can change things by praying individually and corporately. When Peter was in jail, the church prayed and God sent an angel to bring about his release. God shook the jail when 120 saints prayed and the Holy Spirit was poured out of them. The foundation of prayer was laid in the Old Testament based on a relationship initiated by God. The core of this relationship was a mutual commitment expressed in the Old Testament’s concept of a covenant. This concept was from the beginning. God wanted a relationship with man in the garden. Sin broke the bond of that relationship.
The Power of Fervent Prayer Man’s Approach To God But God pursued the relationship again through the tabernacle by setting up a new way for man to approach and communicate with him. God could now be approached by man through sacrifice and offering. The tabernacle was built so that God could now dwell among men. This was to be God’s dwelling place among men intending to teach men the spiritual reality of how to approach him (Ex. 25:8-9). According to (Heb 8:5) the priest on earth served at the sanctuary; that was a copy and shadow of what was in heaven. The heavenly reality is that the sanctuary of God’s presence into which Christ our high priest entered with his own blood. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer God’s Mercy Seat Both the earthly tabernacle and its ministry was intended to illustrate symbolically the only way one could approach a holy God and be forgiven and find help in the time of need. The ark of the covenant and the mercy seat provides a way for man to get the help he needed. God again came to man through relationship by opening the way for man to approach him in prayer. He was shown step by step how to approach God in prayer and get an answer. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer There were eight steps for him to learn: 1.Enter the Gate-way of Introduction : Christ is the Way. We were to enter the gate with thanksgiving: (Ps 100:4; John 14:6; Heb.10:19-22). That is the way we are to worship him. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer ( God’s Provision for Man) 2. He was to meet God at the BRAZEN ALTAR: This was the way of reconciliation where death occurred, sacrifices were made and the relationship was restored. 3. THE LAVER- The way of separation, Christ our cleanser and sanctifier (holiness-1 Thess. 4:7-8) 4.THE GOLDEN CANDLESTICK-The way of illumination-Christ the light; the word; in whom dwells the fullness of the God head. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer ( God’s Provision for Man) 5. THE TABLE OF SHOWBREAD- The way of satisfaction. Christ our nourishment or sustainer (John 6:35). 6. THE ALTAR OF INCENSE- The way of intercession. Christ our intercessor, advocate and mediator (Heb 7:25; 1tim 2:5). The altar was the place where God promised to meet them ( Exd.30:1-6). 7.THE VEIL- CHRIST OUR LIFE - Access to God the father, through his blood (Heb. Chap. 9; 10:19-22) 8. THE ARK OF THE COVENANT- The way of communion- God’s throne in the earth. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer The Heart Beat of Prayer The way to God for communion took all of these steps plus sacrifices, which was done in obedience to have an effective and fervent prayer life. This was their order to have power with God. How does all this information help us? If God did all of this to stay in contact with them then prayer must be very important. The altar of incense was the heartbeat of that system. The priest represented the intercessory and they took the requests of the people to God and they received the answer for them. This was an example to us of how prayer and relationship worked. Since the golden incense altar was at the heart of the tabernacle we could see the ministry of intercession, worship, prayer and praise which are at the very heart of God. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer A New Dispensation Exodus.30:1-2 shows us that the altar of incense was the tallest price of furniture in the holy place. Symbolizing the highest ministry in the holy place was worship and intercessory prayer. (Jesus said that his house should be call a house of prayer.) If we measure the altar it will tell us something about to happen in our day: it was 1x1x2 or 10x10x20 cubits which equals 2000 cubits; if we look at this dispensational, this would speak of the two thousand years of the church age. Since that the altar of incense was placed at the very end of the holy place, we are at 2000 years. This could be symbolic that the church at the end of this age is going to experience the altar of incense ministry that is the spirit of worship and intercessory or corporate prayer. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer The Veil is Gone, We Have a New Covenant I believe that we have approached that time where prayer is going to be effectually producing an effect and by the power of prayer, strongholds will be broken. If we are fervent in using the energy of prayer we can make things happen. This is the most powerful weapon that God has given to us, the church, to reach men everywhere crossing all lines. When Christ died the veil in the temple was rented into, that ended the Old Testament dispensation and opened up a new and living way for us through the veil of his flesh (Heb. 10:19-22). Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer Church, It’s Time To Get Back To The Basics ! God is again building a relationship with his church through prayer in order that we can get the job done. It is only through the effectual praying of the church will this job get done. (Amp.) Says it’s dynamic in its working. (Phil.) Says tremendous power is made available to us. (Wms.) says when it keeps us at work it is very powerful. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
The Power of Fervent Prayer Church, It’s Time To Get Back To The Basics! Effectual prayer will always prevail if we keep at it. So let’s get back to the basics of prayer. Let us pray until something happens. Let’s get results. If Elijah was human as we are and had such power with God to shut the heavens for three years and six months and he was under the old covenant. We are under a better covenant, a greater relationship through Jesus. We are the righteous and have that same opportunity to pray with power. Dr. Ralph Godfrey Sr.
“Back to the Basics” James 5: 13-18