Collecting Project Information How Should We Collect Information ? –Formally (on a regular basis): what we have planned to collect what we have set up and prepared ourselves to collect –Informally (not regular but often): “walking the hall” and “by the water cooler” inviting team members for informal “chat” visit people’s “offices” - We really need both! - Informal --- is changing with internet, physically distributed resources, and social networking software
Formal Data Gathering & Monitoring Should be performed on a regular basis: –weekly –semi-monthly –monthly –etc. How often depends on –the size and length of the project –the specific activity What form depends on earlier plan and preparation: –Standard Format –Numerical/logical/etc.
What Do We Collect? Remember the Goals ? We collect data and monitor “actual” against “planned goals” –Product attribute goals: quality completeness of function reliability etc. –Project and People attribute goals: productivity schedule morale etc. See Chapter 8 on Measurements and Goals Most popular one
Monitored Information Project “Status” is really saying: –Where we stand today “relative” to the target –Show “actual” vs “planned” by areas of interest (“goals”) If you changed the “planned”, show the trace of changes - include the date of change - “approved-by-whom” information - *** additional info such as “impact” of change ***
Several Types of Data Collection Activity Based: –collecting information on one or more attributes related to a set of activities completion date time expended effort or other resources expended –the activities are most likely those within a process or a method Attribute Based: –collecting information on one or more sub-attributes related to a specific project attribute of interest: the specific attribute may be an entity the specific attribute is often schedule, function, etc. In reality ---- mostly a mix of both
Activity Based Example Milestone Activities Planned Completion Actual Completion Delta Req. Solicitation Req. Analysis Req. Documentation Req. Verification Req. Approval 07/10/ /25/ /15/ /25/ /10/ /15/ /25/ /17/ days 0 days +2 days This requirements activities based data allows us to gauge the schedule attribute of that set of activities. Note that this does not talk to resources, productivity, efficiency, etc. (only schedule) Date : _8/20/2002_
Attribute Based Example Functionality Attribute Planned # of Features Completed # of Features Delta Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4 Function 5 13 (7/15) 25 (8/15) 9 (8/15) 7 (8/15) 11 (8/25) 13 (7/15) 22 (8/20) 8 (8/20) 0 -3 Note that this is collecting data on product functional completeness attribute. It is collecting data on the product “functionality” attribute and the “# of features completed” attribute on the specific date (mm, dd) for each function. 7 (8/12) 9 (8/20) 0 -2 Date : 8/20/2002 May never be completed ?
A More Complex Example of Activities and a “quality” Attribute based on Severity 1 problems Activities F1 Delta Req. Review Design Review Functional Test Component Test System Test (5,5) Note that this is collecting data on product quality attribute : Severity 1 problems (found, resolved) by each defect detection and removal activities. Delta is the number of severity 1 problem still remain unresolved. F’s are functional area(s) 1 2 F2F3 (6,6) (3,3) (3,2) (4,3) (7,7) (6,6) (3,3) (2,2) (3,2) (4,3) (5,2).... Should be alarmed if these were from F1 or F2. Why? Date : _8/20/2002_ *** Note - - this is NOT a planned vs actual comparison chart !! --- ? ***
A More Financially Oriented Monitoring (in $k) Act. Plan Function X Function Y Function Z PlanAct Functional Area release 1 expense release 2 expense Plan 7.0 Act. Rev. $ Accumulative Expenses (people, tools, travel, education, general) by functional areas.vs. Revenue Date: 8/20/2003 PlanAct Need to spread out by Release ?
Formal Status Meetings 1.Should be planned with and “agenda” –run this efficiently because for everyone else this is NOT their “main” responsibility –The meeting should not last more than 2-3 hours consider the expense side of the meetings & meeting prep –(e.g.) 3hrs/40hrs per week = 7.5 % in meeting per week 2.Do not reschedule or postpone meeting too many times –it will lose its legitimacy and relevancy 3.* Do not jump too deeply into “surprise” items –schedule a separate meeting involving only the relevant people 4.Do not turn meeting into “rubber” stamping
Informal Status Gathering Informal Data Gathering is based on –goodwill –trust –“listening” well and patiently If Physically Co-located –proactively “walk the halls” often –invite people into your “open” office –stop in people’s office and “chat”; do not stay too aloof If Remote Location –make some “physical- contacts” visits –utilize phone, , video-conferencing “regularly” –Need to Develop even more “TRUST” when remote Trust