Targets Laidley District State School CAPACI TY BUILDIN G Fullan’s Drivers What the research says: Improving the effectiveness of teaching is the way to lift school performance. Teaching quality improves when teachers learn from each other and act on meaningful feedback. Jensen, 2014; Fullan, 2011 Successful Learners Know your students’ needs Differentiate the curriculum for students identified through classroom data sets Teach and support students in the U2B Create a culture of learning in every classroom through the high expectations and Explicit teaching strategies Reinforcement of attendance as EVERY DAY COUNTS Teacher Quality Develop professional practice Implement the school Pedagogical Framework and Charter of Expectations for LDSS Pedagogical Framework Charter of Expectations Through the LDSS Classroom and Feedback Platform access feedback and coaching to improve teaching practices Through Student Feedback identify ways to improve and enhance teaching and learning. School Performance Know Your Data Have a deep understanding of data for your students and link this to school wide and systemic trends through fortnightly data sessions Know Your Strategies Share success within your classroom with team members Know your students data to target student improvement – individually- class wide – across the cohort –school wide Use consolidation and checking for understanding to improve student data LDSS Capacity Building Targets for 2015: School Opinion Survey Item S2072-”I receive useful feedback about my work” – 95% NAPLAN U2B – Year 3 Reading- 25% Year 3 Writing 25 %Year 3 Numeracy 25% Year 5 Reading 20 % Year 5 Writing 20 %Year 5 Numeracy 20 % Professional Learning Communities will contribute to 75% of students achieving between an A-C grading in writing by the end of semester 2, % of teachers engage with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to develop capability knowledge and standards 100% have at least three major classroom observations and feedback by the end of each term
Teacher Quality Develop professional practice Create and accept a culture of risk taking to allow for learning and development and build trust and resilience in teaching and learning Share knowledge with colleagues to select teaching practices to improve every student- every day Improve our knowledge to meet our belief of “Every Child – Every day Laidley District State School COLLABORATION Successful Learners Know your students’ needs Set goals individual SMART goals for students that set high standards and align with school priorities and targets Develop a school culture that every child - every day can succeed School Performance Know Your Data Through team meetings and individual conferences identify areas to develop that deliberately drive school wide improvement- every student -everyday Know Your Strategies Develop action plans through PLC meetings and team meetings that improve outcomes through accountability and explicit success Celebrate the cycle of reflection then review and success school wide LDSS Capacity Building Targets for 2015: School Opinion Survey Item S2072-”I receive useful feedback about my work” – 95% NAPLAN U2B – Year 3 Reading- % Year 3 Writing %Year 3 Numeracy % Year 5 Reading % Year 3 Writing %Year 3 Numeracy % Professional Learning Communities contribute to the rise of students writing by 75% across all grades A- C rating. 100% of teachers engage with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to develop capability knowledge and standards 100% have at least three major classroom observations and feedback by the end of each term “Based on a collaborative analysis of the results of our efforts, what can we do to improve student learning?” Eaker 2002 LDSS Collaboration Targets for 2015: School Opinion Survey Item S2072-”school staff morale” – 80% 75% of students receiving an C or Above for English, Maths 70% of students receiving an C or Above for Science 90% of students adhering to the Bookwork policy for school wide presentation standards 100% of teachers engage with the Reading Eggs and Mathletics ICT programmes as part of their classroom routine 100% of students have feedback written in their books by the end of each week 95% of students attending every day- every student-every day.
Laidley District State School CONSISTENCY Successful Learners Know your students’ needs Set goals individual SMART goals for students that set high standards and align with school priorities and targets each term Develop a school culture that every child - every day can succeed-through Pride books and other PBL recognised strategies School Performance Know Your Data Through team meetings and individual conferences identify areas to develop that deliberately drive school wide improvement- every student –everyday Utilising school wide data (i.e. the reading data wall )as a tool to identify school wide intervention and resourcing Know Your Strategies Develop action plans through PLC meetings and team meetings that improve outcomes through accountability and explicit success Celebrate the cycle of reflection then review and success school wide Moderate with cohorts and cluster schools Teacher Quality Develop professional practice Positively and authentically engage in school wide practices to develop and enhance consistency and success of programs and outcomes for students Update whole of school curriculum plan that includes year level and unit plans with both horizontal and vertical alignment to the curriculum. Use of short cycle data to inform and focus explicit teaching episodes. Engage in Explicit Teaching strategies (Archer and Hughes) in all lessons each day to build knowledge and skills and improve focussed teaching episodes LDSS Capacity Building Targets for 2015: School Opinion Survey Item S2072-”I receive useful feedback about my work” – 95% NAPLAN U2B – Year 3 Reading- % Year 3 Writing %Year 3 Numeracy % Year 5 Reading % Year 3 Writing %Year 3 Numeracy % Professional Learning Communities contribute to the rise of students writing by 75% across all grades A- C rating. 100% of teachers engage with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to develop capability knowledge and standards 100% have at least three major classroom observations and feedback by the end of each term The challenge is scaling up the pockets of high- quality practice which exist in some classrooms, schools and clusters to a point where high-quality practice is evident in every classroom, school and cluster. Verifying the quality and consistency of (teaching) practice is a key to effecting improvement. Fullen 2012 LDSS Consistency Targets for 2015: 100% of teachers effectively using data to inform focus teaching and re-teaching A complete whole school curriculum plan, including year level and unit plans based on the Australian Curriculum, and in response to student needs and data 100% of teachers enacting the Laidley District State School pedagogical framework 100% of teachers checking for understanding and acting on it within lessons 100% of teachers using assessment ‘as’ learning, including A exemplars and SMART goals 100% of teachers using the bookwork protocols in each classroom