THE MAYANS By: Vanessa Baltazar Block E
WHAT IS THERE OCCUPATION? WHAT ARE THEY KNOWN FOR? The many had many occupations! They were very diverse which allowed them to have any occupations Painting, sculpting, and hunting Main occupations were farming and agriculture, which also made them very well known for. Agriculture > pyramids Farming > growing crops such as corn, squash, and beans.
WHAT ARE THEIR CULTURAL ORIGINS? Discovered at a very early age The first Maya settlements were established around 1800 BC in the Soconusco region of the Pacific Coast. They lived in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. Many of their cultural origins are found through their hieroglyphics and their ways of communications
WHAT IS THEIR PERSONAL HISTORY? Began around the AD Mayan cities reached there highest points of population during the classic period. The preclassic was established in the same year, which was around AD Around 100 AD, there was a widespread decline and abandonment of Maya cities-called the Preclassic Collapse. This marked the end of the Preclassic era
WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF THEIR COUNTRY? HOW DID THEIR HISTORY IMPACT THEIR SUCCESS OF FAILURE? The Maya area extended throughout the northern Central America region, including present-day nations of Guatemala, Belize, western Honduras and extreme northern El Salvador Weather depended on where they lived either jungles or deserts. Ancestors were hunter-gatherers, and were very successful when it came to searching for food. As a result, this allowed the Mayans to be successful farmers, and hunters.
WHAT ARE THE PRACTICES/TRADITIONS OF THE GROUP ASSOCIATED WITH THEM? Zapotec and the Teotihuacan tribes. Zapotec was catholic and the Teotihuacan were polytheists They worshipped several gods such as the Storm Goddess, the Old God, The great God, etc. The Zapotec did not get along very well with this tribe because they had a lot of religious controversies.
DO THEY PRACTICE A RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY, BELIEF SYSTEM, OR OTHER DEVOTION? The Mayan priest had a job of interpreting these different cycles that helped them with a certain outlook on the future based on their relations to their calendars They practiced human sacrifice like the Aztecs They believed in three major planes which included the Earth, the underworld, and the heavens. The night sky was considered a window showing all supernatural doing. They focused more on the future rather than the present. They hoped to prosper more in the future than in the present. Polytheists; believed in the sun god, the sky god, the old god, and many, many more.
PHILOSOPHIES The Four Philosophies of the Maya: Always do your best Don’t make assumptions Don’t take anything personally and be impeccable with your words
WHAT IMPACT HAVE THEY HAD ON THE WORLD? Impacted the world through their beliefs, traditions, art, religion, etc They’re artwork is very inflectional towards our styles of artwork today as well as they’re traditions which many are still used today Have contain many philosophies which now are affecting how we think and act
WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN MEETING THEM? WHY? Yes I would be interested in meeting Maybe just to get a feel of how they lived they’re everyday lives I would be interested in they’re clothing and to see what they did in their free time. But I would have the fear of getting sacrificed, so many I wouldn’t want to visit them in they’re times of rituals.
QUIZ!!! 1.What are the names of the 4 Mayan philosophies? 2. What is the story behind Uxmal pyramid? 3.What animal did they look up to? 4.Who was the person that performed the sacrifice and took the heart out? 5.What were the names of the two tribes that the Mayans associated with? 6.Why am I afraid to meet the Mayans? 7.What are the names of some of the gods they worshipped? 8.Where are some of the places that the Mayans lived?