W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School The Body In Action (C) CO-ORDINATION.


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Presentation transcript:

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School The Body In Action (C) CO-ORDINATION

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 1. What is the advantage of having 2 eyes looking forward at the same object ? 2 eyes allow the brain to judge distance.

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 2. Below is a table showing parts of the eye. Complete the functions Contains nerve endings Allows light to enter the eye Lens Cornea Iris

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 3. Which structure in the eye sends light messages to the brain? Optic Nerve

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 4. Here is a table showing parts of the ear. Can you complete the spaces? Eardrum Ear bones Carry impulse from ear to brain. Semi -circular canals

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 5. How do we judge the direction from which sound is coming? Use 2 ears to judge distance and direction

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 6. Complete the following passage about hearing. The ear collects ……… waves. The sound waves are directed down the ……………. canal to the ………. This begins to vibrate and starts the tiny …… …… moving. Their movements transmit sound ………. towards the ……… … The fluid in the cochlea now starts moving, stimulating the sound ………… cells which send a sound ………… along the auditory ………… to the brain. sound auditory cochlea ear waves bones eardrum receptor impulsenerve

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 7. What is the function of the following parts of the nervous system? Brain - Spinal cord - Nerves - Carries impulses to and from muscles and body organs. Controls the whole body and co- ordinates all nerve impulses. Controls reflexes. Relays impulses between nerves and brain.

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 8. Give the functions of the following parts of the brain. Medulla - Cerebrum - Cerebellum - controls breathing and heartbeat controls balance and muscle co-ordination controls memory, intelligence and personality

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 9 The speeds up the heart during exercise. A cat has a relatively larger than humans Reasoned thought is controlled by the The makes us breathe faster during exercise. medulla cerebellum cerebrum medulla

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 10. What is a reflex action? An automatic motor response to a sensory stimulus, independent of the brain.

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 11 What happens to the pupil of the eye in bright light? The pupil gets smaller

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 12. Name the 5 parts of a reflex arc. 1.Sensory receptor 2.Sensory nerve 3.Relay nerve 4.Motor nerve 5.Motor organ

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 13. Where is the relay nerve found? In the spinal cord

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 14. The nervous system consists of the …………, the spinal cord and the nerves. brain

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 15. Which structure in the brain controls reasoning? The cerebrum

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 16. What is the name of the organ in the ear which controls balance? Semi circular canals

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 17. What is the function of the retina? Contains nerve endings sensitive to light

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 18. Name the structure which relays impulses between nerves and brain. The spinal cord

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 19. What is the function of the medulla? It controls heart rate and breathing rate.

W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 20. Which part of the brain sorts out information from the semi circular canals? Cerebellum

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