LOWER RES. TRACT Is the tract that is responsible for gas exchange.
Secondary Bronchi Cartilage block, NOT rings. Lots of muscle.
Tertiary Bronchi Continued branching (like a tree)
Bronchioles No cartilage or respiratory epithelium. 1 mm in diameter.
ASTHMA Difficulty Breathing, bronchioles get constricted. Bronchodilator: opens up bronchioles.
Laser Light Can Detect Potential Diseases Via Breath Samples
Alveoli Tiny air sacs, about 150 million per lung. Destroyed by smoking, DO NOT regenerate!
Alveoli Very THIN in order to maximize gas exchange.
Alveoli If spread out have the surface area of an entire…
Surfactant Oily secretion that coats alveoli and keep them inflated.
PLEURAL CAVITIES Halves of thoracic cavity, 1 lung in each cavity.
Pariatal Pleura Membrane against ribs and cavity.
Visceral Pleura Membrane around the lungs. (Seal between the two has low pressure)
Pleuritis Inflammation of the membranes, which causes friction.
Collapsed Lung Lung collapses due to break in the seal, air comes in and lungs shrivel up. Caused by broken ribs.
Pulmonary Ventilation Getting air in and out of lungs.
Muscles Mainly the diaphragm. External Costals: Outside of ribs, breath in. Internal costals: Between ribs, breath out.
Inspiration Inhaling or breathing in, 4 basic steps.
Inspiration 1. Message to breath sent from the medulla oblongata to breathing muscles.
Inspiration 2. Muscles Contract.
Inspiration 3. Thoracic cavity gets bigger!
Inspiration 4. Air pushes and/or rushes in and fills the lungs.
Expiration Breathing out, consists of 4 basic steps.
Expiration 1. Medulla oblongata stops sending message.
Expiration 2. Muscles relax.
Expiration 3. Thoracic cavity decreases in size, air pressure increases.
Expiration Air is pushed out of the lungs.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation AKA: CPR Restores circulation and ventilation.
FLEX THE PECS: Activity time.