Why Study Communication? Foundations of Human Communication
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Communication Defined Human Communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning.
Communication Competence The message should: Be understood Achieve its intended effect Be ethical
Effective Communication-Ethics Ethics are the beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong “The Dalai Lama teaches an ethical code that, whether or not we believe in the Tibetan Buddhist religion, provides guidance for successful communication.” (Beebe & Ivy, 2004, p 7)
Why Study Communication? To improve in these areas: Employability Relationships Physical & emotional health
Communication Models Human communication as ACTION Source Receiver Message Channel Noise (Beebe & Ivy, 2004, p 11)
Communication Models Human Communication as INTERACTION Feedback Context (Beebe & Ivy, 2004, p 13)
Communication Models Human Communication as Transaction (Beebe & Ivy, 2004, p 14)
Communication Models Human Communication as TRANSACTION Simultaneously interactive Meaning is based on mutual, concurrent sharing of ideas and feelings This model most accurately describes human communication (Beebe & Ivy, 2004, p 14)
Communication Characteristics Inescapable Irreversible Complicated Emphasizes content and relationships Governed by rules “A Helical Model of Communication Shows that communication never Loops back onto itself. It begins at the bottom and expands infinitely as the communication partners contribute their thoughts and experiences to the exchange.” (Beebe & Ivy, 2004, p 16)
Communication “Principles for a lifetime” 1.) Be aware of Your Communication 2.) Effectively Use and Understand Verbal Messages 3.) Effectively Use and Understand Non-Verbal Messages 4.) Listen and Respond Thoughtfully 5.) Appropriately Adapt Messages
5 Communication Principles to adhere to for a lifetime
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 1.) Be aware of Your Communication with Yourself and Others Present when communicating Be aware of communication choices
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 2.) Effectively Use and Interpret Verbal Symbols Use appropriate symbols Accurately encode and decode messages
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 3.) Effectively Use and Interpret Non-Verbal Symbols Primary way we communicate feelings and attitudes More believable than verbal messages
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 4.) Listen and Respond Thoughtfully to Others Listening looks easy Develop sensitivity to others Being other-oriented means considering the needs, motives, desires, and goals of others.
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 5.) Appropriately Adapt Messages to Others Adapt to your listeners Adapt the structure or organization of what you say Adapt the general style of your message
Communicating with others: Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication occurs when we interact simultaneously with another person and attempt to mutually influence each other.
Communicating with others Group & Team Communication Groups have goals, their members feel they belong to the group, and the group members influence others in the group. Small group communication Dyad teams
Communicating with others: Presentation Communication Presentational communication occurs when a speaker addresses a gathering of other people to inform, persuade or entertain.
RECAP CHAPTER ONE “Principles for a lifetime” 1.) Be aware of Your Communication 2.) Effectively Use and Understand Verbal Messages 3.) Effectively Use and Understand Non-Verbal Messages 4.) Listen and Respond Thoughtfully 5.) Appropriately Adapt Messages
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