Welcome to Mrs. Botta’s Spanish class! I am so excited to be your Spanish teacher this year! I have a letter to give you to take home to your parents. In this letter they will find my information, in case they would like to contact me.
In the letter your parents will also see what we will do this year. So, what are we going to do this year? (Wait for students to respond) We will learn Spanish! I brought a globe with me because I would like to show you all the countries around the world in which people speak Spanish. (Show Spanish speaking countries on the globe)
So, we said we will learn Spanish. We saw in which countries around the world people speak Spanish. Now, we will take a look at what exactly we are going to learn this year.
We are going to learn: - How to count from 1 – 31, - How to report what the weather looks like, - How to tell what the date is, - How to tell what we do in school.
We are going to learn: - To describe our family, - To describe our favorite pet, - To describe the clothes we wear, - To describe the place where we live, - How to tell what we like to eat.
Another thing I want you to know is what we are going to do to start our lesson. When you come to Spanish class: - Stay in line until you are told to come in, - Come in quietly.
How will we begin our class? We will sing a song. We will check calendar and date.
Then, we will: We will check the weather. We will move…and much more!
Learning Spanish is going to be fun! However, to make sure it will be fun, we need to follow 5 important rules. Do you want to see what those rules are?
Yo miro
Yo escucho
Yo sigo las instrucciones
Yo levanto la mano
Yo respeto a los otros
Yo hablo Español ¡Buenos días!
Last thing we need to know is what we will do when class time is over. We will : - Line up, - Exit the classroom quietly.
And now… Let the FIESTA begin!!!