Alveolar Ventilation During General Endotracheal Anesthesia Valentyna Groelle, RN, BSN, SRNA
Objectives Review the physiology of alveolar ventilation Discuss pulmonary changes after induction of general endotracheal anesthesia Describe how to perform two major types of alveolar recruitment maneuvers
Conducting vs Gas Exchange Airways
Alveolar-Capillary Gas Exchange
Physiology of Gas Exchange Ventilation External Respiration Internal Respiration
West’s Zones of the Lung “Dead space” “Shunt-like”
Alveolar Ventilation Alveolar Ventilation VA= RR x (VT-VD) Physiologic Dead Space VD/VT = (PaCO2−PECO2)/PaCO2
Alveolar Gas Exchange in Lung Disease
COPD and Air Trapping NORMAL COPD
A-a Gradient A-a Gradient= PAO2-PaO2 PAo2=FiO2(Patm-PH2O)-PaCO2/0.8
Increased A-a gradient Causes of Hypoxemia Normal A-a gradient Increased A-a gradient Hypoventilation Low Inspired O2 Right to Left Shunt V/Q Mismatch Diffusion Impairment
Causes of Hypoxemia Normal A-a gradient Hypoventilation Neuromuscular disorder CNS disorder Depression of CNS by drugs Low Inspired Oxygen PiO2=(Patm-PH2O)xFiO2 High altitude Low FiO2
Causes of Hypoxemia Increased A-a gradient Right to Left Shunt (alveoli blocked from ventilation) CHF ARDS Drowning (due to congenital abnormalities) Intra-cardiac shunt Intra-pulmonary fistulas
Causes of Hypoxemia Increased A-a gradient V/Q Mismatch (due to lung dead space or shunt) PE Atelectasis PNA Obstructive lung disease (asthma, COPD) Pneumothorax “Shunt-like” “Dead-space” VA= 4-6 L/min Q=5-6 L/min V/Q= 0.8-1.2
Causes of Hypoxemia Increased A-a gradient Diffusion impairment Interstitial lung disease Environmental disease
Induction of General Anesthesia
Cessation of Sigh Breaths
Absorption Atelectasis Solubility of gases in blood plasma: Carbon dioxide>oxygen>nitrogen
Airway Closure from ↓ FRC
Compressive Atelectasis Transpulmonary P =Intrapulmonary/Alveolar P-Intrapleural P Transpulmonary P= 760mmHg-756mmHg= +4mmHg
Open Lung Ventilation Alveolar Recruitment Maneuvers Low Tidal Volumes PEEP
Alveolar Recruitment Maneuvers 1. The lung’s opening pressure 2. The lung’s closing pressure 3. The open-lung PEEP
Sustained Inflation Recruitment Maneuvers
Cycling Maneuvers
Hemodynamic Pre-Conditioning Phase PEEP of 5 cmH2O= 3.67 mmHg PEEP of 10cmH2O= 7.35 mmHg PEEP of 13cmH2O= 9.55mmHg Normal CVP: 0-8 mmHg Normal PAP (systolic): 15-25 mmHg Normal PAP (diastolic): 8-15mmHg
Cycling Maneuvers
SI vs Cycling Recruitment Maneuvers