SUSTAINABLE WATER USAGE? A national transport business recently discovered that R1million of its R1.5 million water bill was in fact a leak.
Get smart with water flow & pressure management for proactive consumption & waste management. powered by
Pre installation needs analysis Robust Data Meter Remote Monitoring Application Water management consulting services powered by Smart water management
OPTIMISED ENERGY USAGE? A large shipping company recently received a R2 million credit on their R14 million energy bill
Get smart with energy metering for automated consumption, tracking & management. powered by
4. EXPERT ADVICE Pre installation needs analysis Robust Smart Meter Remote Monitoring Application Energy management consulting services powered by Smart energy metering
SAFE & COMPLIANT REFRIGERATION? A national pharmaceutical retailer is using our refrigeration monitoring solution to proactively comply with health and safety regulations
Get smart with remote temperature and power management powered by
Smart refrigeration control Reliable Smart Sensor Remote Monitoring Application
Reliable alternative power supply? A large bank is using a diesel monitoring solution to ensure that their generators keep them trading during power outages
powered by Get smart with real-time management of fuel to mission critical infrastructure and services with unreliable power supply or in remote locations.
Robust Smart Sensor Remote Monitoring Application powered by Smart diesel management
CONNECTED INTELLIGENCE Energy metering for automated consumption, tracking & management Remote temperature and power management Diesel fuel management to mission critical infrastructure and services Water flow & pressure management for proactive consumption & waste management Our specialist expertise and partnerships have enabled us to tailor smart monitoring solutions and services for a broad spectrum of industry applications. Managed development, implementation and support of scalable tailored business solutions for a variety of industry applications Proven logistic expertise, systems & tools to manage your M2M assets Contact centre and field technicians to manage your special project Smart Metering Energy & Water Smart Monitoring Refrigeration & Fuel Smart Anything Anywhere Smart Specialist Services
Trusted M2M Partner in Africa since 2004