Ben M. Dunn, PhD. Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Director, UF-HHMI Science for Life Program Director, IDS Program in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Your best direct connection to faculty Enhances academic performance and facilitates a broader scope of understanding in your chosen discipline Prepares participants for advanced study (graduate or professional school) Helps secure prestigious awards and scholarships Why Early and Continuous Undergraduate Research?
Our Mission “To strengthen and transform undergraduate research and interdisciplinary laboratory education in the life sciences” at the University of Florida and our partner institutions. “Accessibility to Research in the Life Sciences in UF Faculty Laboratories”
HHMI stands for: Howard Hughes Medical Institute Most prestigious and largest private foundation supporting research in biomedical science Provides funding for science education, which is what the Science for Life program is about
Who was Howard Hughes? Ginger Rogers with HH Jane Russell Rita Hayworth
Intramural Undergraduate Research Award $$$ award for entering research program starting in Summer 2014 Opportunity to achieve co-publication on a paper in the primary literature Greatly enhanced letters of recommendations Extramural Undergraduate Research Award $$$ award stipend for three months of summer research Opportunity to get significant off-campus research experiences at dozens of locations around the world Undergraduate Publication and Travel Award $$$ award for successful publications in scientific journals $$$ for presentations at national meetings and conferences The UF-HHMI Science for Life Program
The Website This is the home page for the program It contains all you need to know Find information on research opportunities Find your mentor Apply for research awards Participate in class
If you are a freshman, you should take this course your first semester and identify a mentor Next, join the lab and learn about projects while training in the techniques that lab uses Discuss a project with your mentor and apply in spring semester Start research in summer 2014 Progress Through the Program
At the end of the summer, you prepare a report on your progress to submit to the Science for Life Office Continue research through the following academic year Prepare a poster on your project to present at the Creativity in the Arts and Sciences Event in January 2015 Progress Through the Program
After completing one full year of research, you would be eligible to apply for an extramural research opportunity – Europe, South America, Asia, or anywhere in the USA Write a paper to submit for publication or contribute to a manuscript written by a lab member, such as graduate student or post-doc Progress Through the Program
In the second or third year of the program, you would be eligible to apply to the University Scholars Program for additional support for research at UF Complete your research and apply to graduate or professional school with a GREAT letter of recommendation Progress Through the Program
Cross-Disciplinary Laboratory (X-LAB) IDH2931: X-LAB 1 & 2 2-semester laboratory course integrating chemistry, physics, and biology themes Equivalent to: BSC2010L, BSC2011L CHM2045L, CHM2046L PHY2053L, PHY2054L To register Dr. Gabriela Waschewsky: UF-HHMI Undergraduate Cross-Disciplinary Laboratory
A great way to meet others already involved in research Receive tips on how to join a research lab Find out more information on stipends and scholarships for undergraduate research Join the Gators for Undergraduate Research Club
That’s okay, you can still take this course! Learn about the great research going on at UF Learn to appreciate the work scientists do When you are a citizen voting in elections, support universities and scientists working in them by voting for candidates and issues that will help them do their job Not every student wants a research opportunity