Re-Use – An NWPP Perspective Keiron Phillips - OCLR
National Waste Prevention Programme nNWPP Launched April 2004 by Minister for the Environment nCore Prevention Team in EPA nNWP Committee Chaired by EPA. Members include: lIBEC/SFA lHSE lEnterprise Ireland lISME lSEI lForfás, IDA nSolid Waste Prevention i.e. stopping the waste before it starts!
Waste Prevention 2006 No… nIt’s not recycling nIt’s not composting Yes, it is… nAvoidance nElimination nReduction nReuse of materials nReduced “hazardousness” nConservation of raw materials nCommon sense n… an old concept dressed up in new clothes! “Waste Prevention” Disposal Recycling Re-Use Reduction Elimination Energy Recovery
Evolution of RE Concept nAdvent of Green Business Initiative/LAPD 2 nNeed to address water (and energy too!) n“new” Waste Framework Directive (Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) n“Re-use” and “Preparation for Re-Use” nPorto June 2010 (EWWR Event)
Resource Efficiency 2010 ! “Resource Efficiency” What it is: nElimination & Reduction nReuse of Materials or Products nRepair of Products nReduced “Hazardousness” eg Substitution (RoHS, Deco-paints, REACH) nPart of the eco-efficiency paradigm (conservation of All natural resources incl. Materials, Water & Energy) nCommon sense: “Waste Not, Want Not” What it is not (??): nIt is not Recycling nIt is not Centralised Composting nIt is not Energy from Waste nIt is not Diversion from Landfill
Resource Efficiency nEnergy nWaste nPackaging nRaw Materials nWater
Some Current Projects within NWPP nGreen Hospitality Award nLAPN nPackaging Waste Prevention Project n€co-cert nGreen Healthcare nSMILE Resource Exchange nStop Food Waste/Master Composters
Community Re-Use Network nEPA part-funded 2010 and 2011 nProject Officer and Establishment of Office nAims (EPA) lPromote Re-Use Projects and Activities lGive Collective Voice to Members at NWPC lCollectively Report Re-Use activities and outcomes lGrow Network lDissemination of guidance/best practice
National Waste Prevention Programme For More See: