1 Potash Development Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Conference and Tradeshow Workshops Session 2 – Potash Development in Saskatchewan Kevin Stone Minerals and Metals Sector, Natural Resources Canada October 24, 2011
3 Canadian Potash Potash is the No.1 commodity by production value among all minerals, valued at $5.7billion In 2010 Canada is the world’s largest producer, accounting for 30% of the world total in 2010 Canada is the world’s largest exporter, accounting for 37% of the world total in 2010 Canada has the world’s largest production capacity, accounting for 35% of the world total in 2011 Canada has the world’s largest potash reserves and reserve base, accounting for 60% of the world total based on the US Geological Survey
4 Potash Prices Sources: NRCan, FERTECON
Contribution to Economy Saskatchewan Source: Saskatchewan Potash Producers Association
6 Canada Potash Operations Saskatchewan 10 New Brunswick 1 11 mining/milling operations in Canada PotashCorp6 Mosaic4 Agrium1 Canpotex – Offshore Marketing Conventional9 Solution2
8 Saskatchewan Prairie Evaporite 1973 Provincial Estimate Mt KCl ( Mt K 2 O equivalent) Ore grade: 42% KCl (25% K 2 O) Depth: metres
9 Potash Reserves and Reserve Base Source: USGS USGS estimates total at 26,300 Mt K 2 O (8,300 Mt reserves and 18,000 Mt reserve base) Canada has 15,400 Mt (60% of the world total)
11 Potash Use About 95% of potash is used as a fertilizer in agriculture Smaller amounts are also used in manufacture of potassium-bearing chemicals such as detergents, ceramics, and pharmaceuticals as well as water conditioners, de-icing salt, and etc Global leading potash users are those economies with large agricultural sectors such as China, India, Brazil, the US, Indonesia and Malaysia In the US, more than 45% of potash is applied to produce corn In China, 50% of the potash is applied to produce fruits and vegetables, and 28% to produce rice In Brazil, more than 75% of the potash is applied to produce soybean, sugar cane and corn In Malaysia and Indonesia, oil palm accounts for more than 70% of potash consumed. All major consuming countries lack of potash resources and need to import potash to support their agricultural production
12 Major Potash Consumers Sources: NRCan
13 World Potash Consumption Sources: IFA, NRCan
14 Forecast Demand for Potash Sources: IFA, NRCan
16 World Potash Production Sources: IFA, NRCan
17 Potash Producing Countries Sources: IFA, NRCan World total production Mt KCl in Mt KCl countries produce potash in 2010
18 Producing Companies Source: NRCan, IFA
20 Forecast Capacity Increase - World Source: IFA, NRCan Actual
21 Forecast Capacity Increase - Canada Source: NRCan
22 Forecast Demand-Supply Balance Sources: IFA, NRCan
24 Benefit for Aboriginal People Potash mining provide high paying jobs which will improve quality of life for Aboriginal people Potash mining provide jobs for life which will provide stable employment for Aboriginal people Global demand for potash is forecast to continue to grow with the highest growth rate among three essential nutrients Saskatchewan’s massive potash deposit will support a long term production Saskatchewan is in the unique position to capture the global wave and benefit from it Potash will bring economic benefits for Aboriginal people in Saskatchewan, the province, Canada, and all Canadians
25 Encanto Encanto Potash Corporation was created to work with First Nations in Saskatchewan to develop potash resources on their lands The exploration has been advancing well Source: Encanto
26 Challenges of New Entry High capital cost to build a new potash mine Current estimate is between $1.5 and $2 billion to build a 1-Mt capacity potash mine Longer lead times for new mines 3-5 years for sufficient exploration work for a mine construction decision Minimum 5 years to build a conventional underground mine Minimum 4 years to build a solution mine Minimum 7 up to 10 years for a new mine coming on stream Rising cost of construction materials, labour, equipment, supplies and energy A long time to recoup the investment
27 Summary Global demand is forecast to continue to grow with the highest growth rate among three essential nutrients Canada is in the unique position to capture the global wave and benefit from it Potash will bring economic benefit back to Canada and Canadians
28 Contact Kevin Stone Senior Commodity Analyst Minerals and Metals Sector Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4 Phone: Fax: