Learning Management System: Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment Prof. Preeti Mahajan Rupak Chakravarty Dept. of Library & Inf. Science Panjab University, Chandigarh
Learning Management System: A Learning Management System (LMS) is a set of software tools designed to manage user learning interventions including online, virtual classroom, and instructor-led courses. web-based and facilitate "anytime, any place, any pace" access to learning content and administration.
Learning Management System: commercially developed and restrict access to their source code, free and open-source models do exist. Commercial systems (Blackboard, WebCT, eCollege, and Desire2Learn) Open source (Moodle, Sakai, Segue, and Coursework). Learning Management System:
can be used to totally or partially replace face-to-face teaching. The focus of an LMS is to manage learners, keeping track of their progress and performance across all types of training activities. Learning Management System:
The virtual learning environment used by universities and colleges allow instructors to manage their courses and exchange information with students. Learning Management System:
Learner self-service (self-registration on instructor-led training) training workflow (user notification, manager approval, waitlist management) provision of on-line learning (Computer- Based Training, read & understand) Learning Management System:
On-line assessment, management of continuous professional education (CPE) collaborative learning (application sharing, discussion threads) training resource management (instructors, facilities, equipment) Learning Management System:
Identifies people who need a particular course and tells them how it fits into their academic career, when it ’ s available, how it ’ s available (classroom, online, CD-ROM), etc. Once the learners complete a course, the LMS can administer tests based on proficiency requirements, report the test results, and recommend next steps.
Learning Management System: These are instrumental in assuring that organizations meet rigid certification requirements, can simplify global certification efforts, enable entities to align learning initiatives with strategic goals, and provide a viable means of enterprise-level skills management.
Learning Management System: Helps educators create effective online learning communities and create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. Modular in construction and can readily be extended by creating plugins for specific new functionality.
Learning Management System: Promotes collaboration, critical reflection, etc, and is suitable for 100% online classes as well as to supplement face-to- face learning. Simple, efficient, compatible, low-tech browser interface and is easy to install.
MOODLE In Moodle a teacher has full control over all settings for a course, choice of course formats such as by week, by topic or a discussion-focussed social format, course themes, facilitates forums, quizzes, glossaries, resources, surveys, assignments, chats, workshops. 400,000 registered users, speaking over 75 languages in 193 countries.
Claroline Allows teacher to write a course description, publish documents in any format, administer public and private forums, develop learning paths, create groups of students, prepare online exercises, publish announcements Translated into 35 languages.
OLAT - The Open Source LMS Multilingual online translation tool having flexible course system. Offers wikis, single pages with integrated WYSIWYG HTML editor, forums and "file dialog" element to discuss papers, questionnaire for course evaluations, etc.
EFront Offers a wide range of features from content creation, test builder, project management, extended statistics, internal messaging system, forum, chat, surveys User management Lessons, Courses and Categories management, Files management, Exam builders, Assignments builders, Communication tools (Forum, Chat, Calendar, Glossary), Progress tracking, Authentication methods, Enrollment methods, Certifications, Reports generators, Modules management, Payment integration and more. EFront
Fle3 > Future Learning Environment Supports learner and group centered work that concentrates on creating and developing expressions of knowledge. Easy to localize to different languages. Fle3 WebTops can be used by teachers and students to store different items, organize them to folders and share them with others.
KEWL.nextgen: Two main versions of KEWL- KEWL.NextGen and KEWL 3.0. Features includes Communication ( Forums, Blog, Podcast, etc), Content ( Content management, Instructional Design, file uploads, timelines, Google Maps, RSS feeds, Wiki), Assessment (Quizzes, podcasts, blogs, essays, etc,) and Other features ( a full online survey capability, muti-language support, GUI management tools, Flexible configuration options at the level of site and course). Supports full range of educational options from simple delivery and summative assessment through approaches such as problem-based learning.
Brihaspati: Platform independent, highly scalable content delivery tool for webbased elearning system. It supports multiple GUI languages including English, Hindi, French, Urdu, Bangla and Marathi. Can be used to deploy elearning content for off-campus self as well as mentored learning.
Brihaspati: Enables instructors to enhance on-campus learning by sharing course materials, having class discussions, and making assessments on the web. Can upload/publish content material in any format directly to the course. Can manage students ’ details in his own course, including addition, deletion and modifications. Brihaspati:
They can also take backup of the course material and can create module wise question bank of various types (true/false, short type and multiple type). Online tests can also be conducted by the instructor. The users can communicate online through chat and whiteboard. Brihaspati:
Learning Management System: Learning management systems, particularly open-source ones, have a crucial role in bridging the digital divide. To maximize their benefits, the higher education institutions in other countries must integrate them with their web sites, portals, library catalogs, learning repositories, instant messaging, etc. What has to be done:
Learning Management System: Universities and other institutions of higher learning in India can adopt the open source LMS which are considered to meet the qualities of the commercial ones including Blackboard, WebCT, etc. What has to be done
Learning Management System: The Universities in India can hence, effectively materialize the model of coordination-based LMS which would contribute to their excellence. However, it must not occur at the cost of detaching universities from their organizational goals. What has to be done?
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