Fire legislation has previously been reactive- Examples include: 1985-Bradford Fire - 58 Deaths 1987-Fire Safety and safety at places of sport regulations Top Storey Club Bolton – 19 deaths 1964-Licensing Act Kings Cross – 31 deaths 1989-Fire precautions (sub surface rail station) regulations 1989
Every year there are more than 40,000 premises fires in the UK, resulting in around 300 deaths and 9,000 people injured. Around 75% of School fires are started deliberately, arson continues to be a serious issue for local authorities and fire services. The majority of Arsonists are aged between 10 and 19, so tackling the problem involves educating school aged children about the dangers of deliberate fire setting. (Source – Early Intervention – Gordon Mott – Report 88).
National cost of fire in Schools 2000£65,000, £93,000, £96,500, £73,500, £83,000, £67,000,000 Source – Zurich Insurance Company (2006)
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Affects all non domestic premises. The order applies to England and Wales, it: Revokes all other ‘fire legislation’ and fire certificates. Creates a single regime for fire safety. Is enforced by the ‘fire service’.
Responsible Person The ‘responsible person’ could be owner, occupier or employer within a building. Within RMBC owned buildings it is likely to be a shared responsibility between the Premises Management Section, The Manager / Head Teacher / Most senior person on site and the site manager.
Duty of the Responsible Person Take precautions to ensure the safety of everyone. Assess risks to the building and it’s occupants. Record the information as soon as practicable. The assessment must identify vulnerable people. Risk of arson is to be taken into account. Avoid risks or evaluate risks if they cannot be avoided. Combat the risk at source. Reduce the risk so far as is reasonably practicable.
Risk Assessment Risk Assessments must be written, available for inspection and reviewed and monitored regularly. The fire service cannot do risk assessments for us but can advise on areas of weakness.
Step 1 – Identify fire hazards Sources of ignition / heat. Sources of fuel. Sources of oxygen.
The Fire Triangle ‘ a fire can only start when all 3 are present’ Oxygen FuelHeat
Step 2 - Identify people at risk Lone workers eg. caretakers, cleaners etc. People who are unfamiliar with the layout of the building eg. visitors. People with disabilities / Young People
Step 3 – Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk Evaluate the risk of a fire occurring. Evaluate the risk to people from fire eg. spread of fire and smoke within building (age of building etc) Remove or reduce fire hazards eg. paper stored safely, litter, appropriate use and maintenance of portable heaters etc. Remove or reduce risks to people eg. safer products, safe storage, housekeeping etc. Detection and warning systems, fire fighting, lighting, signage, maintenance, escape routes etc.
Step 4 – Record, plan, inform, instruct and train Record significant findings and action taken. Prepare an emergency plan. Inform and instruct relevant people. Co-operate with others eg. multi occupied buildings. Provide training – e.g. evacuation, fire extinguisher etc.
Step 5 – Review and Revise Keep the assessment under review. Revise where necessary.
Vulnerable people How will we get a vulnerable person from the building in an emergency ? Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS)
Once the alarm is activated – who does what ? You will need to designate roles to certain staff eg. Registration, door security, assist vulnerable persons to safety etc.
Water Extinguisher Used for class ‘A’ fires eg: wood / paper etc Direct the jet at the base of the flame and keep it moving across the area of the fire. Seek out any hot spots after the main fire is extinguished. A fire spreading vertically should be attached at it’s lowest point and followed upwards.
Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Used for class ‘B’ and ‘E’ fires eg: petrol and electrical DO NOT hold the horn – it becomes extremely cold during use. DO NOT use in confined spaces as there is a danger of asphyxiation.
Dry powder extinguisher Used for class ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘E’ fires eg: Wood, paper, petrol, gas, electrical Liquid fires – direct the nozzle towards the near edge of the fire. With a rapid sweeping motion drive the fire towards the far edge until extinguished. Electrical equipment – switch off the apparatus / power supply if possible.
Foam Extinguisher Used for class ‘A’ and ‘B’ fires eg: Wood, paper, petrol etc Direct the jet with a gentle sweeping movement, and allow the foam to drop down and lie on the surface liquid. DO NOT aim the jet directly into the liquid as this will drive the foam beneath the surface and render it ineffective. In addition it may splash the fire to the surrounding area.
Fire Blanket Ensure you are positioned between the fire and the fire escape route / door. Pull the tapes to remove the blanket from it’s container. Hold blanket by the handles and using as a shield to protect your face completely cover the fire. Turn off the electric / gas supply. Leave the area closing all fire doors behind you and contact the fire brigade. DO NOT remove a fire blanket for at least 30 minutes.
Finally DVD – fire safety Handouts Evacuation chair - Demonstration Any Questions?
Reference Fire Risk Assessment for the building where you work. Fire safety log book for the building where you work.