Bell’s Palsy The Department Of Neurology Cong Lin
George Herbert Bush
Concept zFacial weakness of the peripheral type zidiopathic zoutside the central nervous system zwithout any other cranial nerve palsies Bell’s Palsy:
[Etiology and pathology] zthe cause is unclear zexposure to chill z a viral infection z edema z degeneration. Etiology pathology
[Clinical features] zOccurs at any age and any time. zunilateral zThe onset is acute. attain maximum paralysis in 48h --5 days. zpain behind the ear.
Peripheral facial palsy
[Diagnosis] zbased on the acute onset and the peripheral facial palsy. zdistinguished from facial paralysis due to other causes zdistinguished from the supranuclear one (such as in a stroke)
Prognosis zusually good. recover within a few weeks or in a month or two. zBut if there is evidence of denervation after 10 days, one may expect a long delay in the onset of recovery.
Treatment zsurgical decompression may be harmful. ztake some corticosteroids, such as prednisone (40 to 60mg/day). z Vitamin B zantiviral agents may be useful. zphysiatrics and acupuncture therapy z a shield to protect the eye.
summary The major features of Bell’s palsy is: zAny age, any time. zUnilateral zAcute zPeripheral facial palsy zidiopathic z Bell’s phenomenon