As we pray let’s keep in our heart God’s Love and remember … How wonderful it is to have the opportunity to pray for others and ourselves in the Heart of God. As we pray let’s keep in our heart God’s Love and remember … That The Power of prayer comes from believing and obedient hearts that pray in The Spirit according to what is in the Heart of God... Lets also be thankful that our Provider God continues to Bless us each and every day in many ways. Music – Phil Coulter - Nearer my God. Please Click to forward Slides.
With a humble heart and assurance of Your Love and care, I ask You my Heavenly Father my Creator to fill my mind by the power of the Holy Spirit, who will empower me to keep my focus on you as I pray from the heart.
Dear Heavenly Father I thank you for this day… I thank you for being able to see, hear and enjoy the beauty of your amazing Creation. I thank you for meeting my needs and also granting me my Godly heart desires and for Your many blessings in my life.
I humbly ask for Your forgiveness for everything I have done, said or thought that’s contrary to Your will which is always motivated by Love… I’m thankful Heavenly Father that when I repent from the heart You don’t keep a record of wrongs against me but instead You take my sins as far as the east is from the west... Thank you also that as I choose to walk in Love and honesty the Holy Spirit will put to death my flesh nature and I will reflect your Truth in all I do and say.
I thank you Heavenly Father that you understand my every thought and my motivation… And even when at times I think and feel things that are not Godly or uplifting, You do not punish, despise or condemn me, but You choose to see me in the beauty and purity of The Holy Spirit, working in my life knowing fully that when I am holy and perfected I will glorify you in every way.
I give wholehearted thanks Heavenly Father that on Judgment Day I will stand before You, set free and totally acquitted with no guilt, no shame and no condemnation… And as I give account I will be rewarded for the good You have done through me and the works You prepared in advance for me to do.
Lord help me to always keep my focus on You, so that I do not fall into sin as I’m conformed into the image of Jesus being perfected in Love… Thank You that You keep me strong to the end, motivating me to put my Trust in You and not myself… Help me to choose to walk in the fruit of the Spirit trusting and depending on You for strength to do so as my flesh is put to death by the Holy Spirit giving me freedom to walk in victory… And thank You that in Your Love You prepare, equip and then motivate me to share Your Truth with others uplifting both them and myself as You are glorified.
Please protect my family, my friends and myself from the fear of danger, help us to Trust in your constant Love and protection knowing as we draw close to You in Truth Satan will flee. Fill my heart with your Love and compassion, for others, supporting, uplifting, and encouraging them, as I accept without judging there's and my own failings, weaknesses, faults and shortcomings, trusting in you to Mould, Shape and Perfect us . Knowing that two wrongs don’t make a right help me to treat others the same as I want them to treat me. Please give me your words of Truth when needed to warn in Love those in the Body of Christ who continue to sin without heart repentance and teach error.
Lord please give me Your grace to accept all things that come my way and not fear but to have heartfelt thankfulness, that you will work it all together for good because I Love You and in Loving you I obey your will completely not because I have to but because I want to being thankful for all your Love and blessings.
I pray that those who do not know You Heavenly Father will come to heartfelt repentance and so turn from evil and do good by the power of the Holy Spirit working in their lives… And that they will fully believe in their hearts the Salvation given to them by Your gift of Love in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died sacrificially for our sins so that we would not be punished but be healed and also so our fellowship with You would be a close and Loving one in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. As I put others needs before my own, empower me to stand up for your Truth in all I do and say so that others may know the way.
Lord please prepare my heart for when my ordained time on this earth is over… So that I may have full assurance that not only am I now forgiven completely but that I have been cleansed of all worldly unrighteousness.
Heavenly Father I ask for your wisdom so that I may know your will , purposes and your True Nature and to also understand your inspired word… When I doubt Lord give me your faith that I can walk in Victory… And help me always to put you first with a full and thankful heart for all the wonderful blessings you have given us.
Thank you my Abba Father for The Body of Christ, we are your Family we are one. Thank you for all my caring Blogging Friends and their Love, support, kindness and encouragement, help me to see and appreciate your beauty in each one of them and to show your care, compassion, acceptance and unconditional Love as I uplift, inspire and encourage them in their reaching out to others in Jesus name .
May the words of this prayer Heavenly Father be received into the hearts of every person that Trusts and believes in You as a Child… And that every mouth will willingly confess their Love and faith in Jesus Christ Your Son and worship Him as part of the Godhead proclaiming His mighty, powerful and wonderful Name… Amen Please Click To Exit