Company profile Generation, distribution & supply of electricity Established in 1946 Share Capital 1.144 billion EUR (90 % state & 10 % private share) Operates with 2 TPPs, 3 HPPs & 8 small HPPs The biggest company in B&H
Company structure Generation Distribution & Supply ED Bihac ED Tuzla TPP Tuzla ED Bihac ED Tuzla TPP Kakanj ED Zenica ED Sarajevo HPP on Neretva 90% state 10% private ED Mostar
Current facts 2012
Company’s key indicators Description Dec. 31, 2012 Dec. 31, 2011 Dec. 31, 2010 Shareholders capital 1,144 mil. € Operational revenues 454.0 467.1 431.3 Operational expenditures 378.3 397.1 369.3 EBITDA 75.7 70.0 62.0 Profit/Loss 3.6 0.8 - 7.4 Production 6,509 7,295 7,181 GWh Installed capacity 1,682 MW Number of customers 715.411 707.301 695.833 Number of employees 4.873 4.878 4.934
Balance Sheet 2012 (€ million) *excluding coal mines
Financial results 2012 (€ million)
Production indicators GWh 2011 2012 % Production 7,295 6,509 -10.8% Thermal 6,138 5,368 -12.5% Hydro 1,157 1,141 -1.4% Hydro % 16% 17% End users (Gross) 4,820 4,900 +1.6% Balance 2,475 2,129 -14% Reduced production in 2012: due to reconstruction of Unit 6 in TPP Tuzla
Production and coal supply Thermal power generation is dominant and is participating in total production between 70 – 80% Hydro power generation is inferior and is participating in total production between 20 – 30% EPBiH is 100% owner of seven coal mines within FBiH More than 85% of the total coal is produced within own coal mines Price of coal is defined by the FBiH Government (90% owner of EPBiH) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2,940 3,488 3,409 4,087 4,306 4,606 4,622 4,985 5,139 5,730 5,657 5,362 6,192 6,232 Coal purchase in 2012: 6,232 thousand tons +0,6% compared to 2011
Average electricity market sales price Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Average price (€/MWh) 35.4 47.0 56.3 64.9 44.9 51.1 53.3
Background of the opportunity Bosnia and Herzegovina is the country with the highest energy potential in Southeastern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina is a net exporter of electric power 8.1% of Bosnia’s total exports is related to electric power Total currently installed and operating capacity - 3.400 MW Energy production capacities are not fully exploited. The total estimated hydro potential in BIH is estimated of 23,395 GWh/per year (of which only approx. 25% are being utilized) BIH has significant reserves of coal (3.7 billion tons of lignite and 2.2 billion tons of brown coal) which allow development of new thermal power plants. The Government of the Federation of BIH announced a series of projects in the energy sector in the total value of € 5 billion as a major building block of the economic strategy of the country
Investment environment DRIVERS Reliable energy supplier in the country and region; Meet the requirements of EU & increase of generation from renewable energy sources; What will we do? Uptake new technologies Significantly reduce CO2 emissions Increase the efficiency of existing thermal power plants (replacement project) Diversify the energy portfolio and increase the reliability Improve distribution network Jobs creation Massive investments needed in energy sector Increasing demand for energy Volatility in energy prices Frequent outages Resource endowment Technical Capacity Projects are based on Strategic plan and program of development of energy sector in Federation of B&H and Government decisions
Renewable Energy PP - Hydro List of the planned projects Thermal PP TPP Tuzla, Unit 7 TPP Kakanj, Unit 8 TPP Bugojno, Unit 1 CCGT Kakanj Renewable Energy PP - Hydro HPP Vranduk HPP Janjići HPP Ustikolina HPP Čaplje HPP Kruševo & HPP Zeleni Vir HPP Kovanići HPP Vrhpolje SHPP on Neretvica river WF Podveležje WF Vlašić Renewable Energy PP - Wind WF Podveležje WF Vlašić
Investment Plan 2013 - 2015
Project description TPP Kakanj - summary Basic project data Items Values Installed power 300 MW Production (based on 6.500 hours of production) 1.755 GWh Efficiency in condensing mode 39% Efficiency in co‐generation mode > 70% Coal consumption 1,3 million tons/year Emission SO2 < 200 mg/Nm3 Emission Nox Emission Dust < 20 mg/Nm3 Total Investment Items Values Estimated total investment costs € 529 million Project development timelines Items Values Call for expresesion for interest June 2013 Selection of project partner September 2013 Closing of partnership aggreement February 2014 Project implementation May 2014 Issuance of the construction permit September 2014 Start of civil works for the main power building (MPB) March 2015 Start of commercial production September 2019
Project description TPP Kakanj - Heating pipeline Basic project data Items Values Lenght from Kakanj to Zenica 33 km Diametar 700 mm Estimated total investment cost € 61,6 milion EPBiH interest Efficiency increasing of existing and future units Assure market for heating energy in long term period Revenue increasing Meet the requirements of EU Reducing of emissions Local community interest Stable heating sistem Less polution Energy efficiency Job creation
Project description HPP Ustikolina Overview The HPP «Ustikolina» is located on the Drina river 4 HPP already exist on river Drina Connection to a grid is secured. Positive & Enviromental impacts Independent energy production source for the region Waterflow control system improvement Water supply system improvment Development of fish farms Job creation
Project description HPP Ustikolina - summary Total Investment Items Values Estimated total investment costs € 123 million Basic project data Items Values Installed power 60 MW Annual production 247 GWh Project development timelines Items Values Preliminary design May 2013 Location permit December 2013 Closing of financial structure March 2014 Issuance of the construction permit December 2014 EPC tender March 2015 Start of civil works for the main power building (MPB) September2015 Start of commercial production March 2019
Amil Kamenica – Executive Director for Capital Investment e-mail: am.kamenica@elektroprivreda.ba Elvedin Grabovica - General manager e-mail: e.grabovica@elektroprivreda.ba Edin Mujagic - Executive Director for Economic Affairs e-mail: ed.mujagic@elektroprivreda.ba Tel: +387 33 751 005 Fax: +387 33 751 003