Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Washington Update
AGENDA Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Washington Programs Overview Legislative News/Outlook How we can help you Ideas and Suggestions?
Washington Programs Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Congressional Caucus Support Office of Legislative Affairs Support Education Advocacy
Caucus Support Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Congressional Caucuses provide opportunities for Members of Congress to discuss relevant issues, hear from experts, and meet interested parties. The Navy League supports many Caucuses that share our interests:
Congressional Navy-Marine Corps Caucus Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) and Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA), co-chairs Fills informational gaps from Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus: Marine Corps, aviation, etc. NLUS supported the Marine Aviation Centennial Breakfast Honorary Host of the Sea Air Space Congressional Breakfast and helped drive staffer attendance
Congressional Maritime Caucus Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-LA) and Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY), co-chairs Focuses on Merchant Marine, ports, maritime industry Founded in February 2013 Kickoff event Monday featuring Navy League National Vice President Rob Reilly on cargo preference
House Military Depot, Arsenal, Ammunition Plant, and Industrial Facilities Caucus Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) and Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-IA), co-chairs Dedicated to policy issues that affect military industrial facilities, including aviation depots, arsenals, ammunition plants, shipyards, and energetic material production facilities NLUS supported briefing on “The Status of the Shipyards and Aviation Fleet Readiness Centers” and “The Health of the Marine Corps Depots” with Rear Admiral Timothy Matthews (Director, Fleet Readiness Division) and Major General Hudson (commanding General, Marine Corps Logistics Command) Coast Guard Depots will be a topic this fall Honorary Host of the Sea Air Space Congressional Breakfast
Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Congressman Rob Wittman (R-VA) and Congressman Joe Courtney (D-CT), co-chairs Navy League’s primary partner for advancing sea service interests on the Hill Briefings at least every quarter Most significant voice on the Hill for shipbuilding, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard issues Honorary hosts for Sea Air Space Congressional Breakfast
Office of Legislative Affairs Support Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services “Pizza Briefs” is the name of an educational series run by the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs and sponsored by the Navy League. Primary audience is staffers, who act as advisors and informational resources for Members of Congress Each week a different Navy command is features Turnout between people at each brief Considered by OLA to be one of their most significant programs Provides opportunity for education for new staffers and a chance to get expert answers for veteran staffers NLUS also sponsors informal receptions and get-togethers, creating opportunities for Navy-USMC-USCG-Congressional interaction Relationships between staffers and the military are crucial when military programs are up for debate
Education Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services The Navy League provides an educational service to Members of Congress Maritime Policy Report Seapower Almanac Seapower subscriptions We are a resource to offices when they have questions about Navy, USMC, USCG, and U.S.- flag Merchant Marine
Advocacy Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services The Navy League has an excellent reputation on Capitol Hill and is a trusted resource. Letters of support or concern Grassroots education is VITAL Members of Congress state that Grassroots Outreach is the most important thing we do.
Advocacy Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services SUCCESS! Thanks to the Navy League, an amendment that would have devastated the Merchant Marine was defeated last night. Our advocacy efforts on this issue included: Letters to committees that held hearings NLUS Members calling their offices VP-LAs activated their councils Press release blasted to all Hill contacts Alerting Caucuses on the impacts to watch this issue Signing group letters opposing the amendments Other groups asked for our involvment
How We Can Help You Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Provide current, up to date information on what’s happening in Congress – Call or anytime – Website updates HQ can help research the relevant staff contacts We can help respond to post-Grassroots briefings We can provide draft letters or op-eds on sea service topics to keep engagement open
Legislative Outlook Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services NDAA: Passed the House, will pass Senate this week Appropriations: Passing the House. Senate has not started to mark up, may be a sign of another CR Sequestration: Still happening—the Call to Action is not over yet! Environment: Austere atmosphere, disinterest in national security, partisan gridlock
Navy League Legislative Affairs Navy League of the United States Citizens in Support of the Sea Services Ideas or suggestions? Contact us anytime: Sara Fuentes: , Chris Bennett: ,