The American Medical Student Association
Happy Birthday! Tom Farrell Asjumand Fatima Kosha Kapadia
Thanks for coming out to the ALS WALK!
CAN Announcement NSCS Book Drive! –National Society of Collegiate Scholars Bring FIVE books to donate –Receive POINTS for volunteering opportunity –Contact any E-board member after participation Alyssa Gries, CAN Rep
Book Drive! Sunday, September 30 th – 1:30 pm-2:30 pm –Coffey Hall Tuesday, October 2nd – 4 pm-5 pm – Mundelein (across from the café) Refer to 4 more info!
Upcoming AMSA Events September Friday, September 28th: 7-9pm Mund. Aud Global Getdown is a talent show focusing on culture. Join us for free FOOD, HENNA tattoos, and a night of entertainment including SINGING, DANCING, and MAGIC. Performers will be competing to win cash for the organizations they represent. Voting is based on which performer gathers the most donations in their basket, so bring everyone you can to vote for your favorite! There will be a $5 suggested donation at the door. All proceeds go to support GlobeMed's maternal healthcare project in Ecuador. Stop by this Friday to help support AMSA and see a magical performance by our very own AMSA President. (fellowship event=8 pts)
Upcoming AMSA Events September Saturday, September 29 th : 12 pm Museum of Science & Industry Trip Costs $5 to go! (20 qty) Contact Eboard if you want to go! (fellowship event=5 pts) Sunday, September 30 th : AIDS RUN/WALK Chicago, volunteer 6am- 12pm or register for the walk! : More info on or visit Official Event Site (Community service event=8 pts) Official Event Site Next Wednesday, October 3rd: AMSA is partnering up with AED (Alpha Epsilon Delta) to cohost Tom Grawey-Regional Director of SOMA (STUDENT OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION) and medical student at Midwestern University. He will be giving a presentation on Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and the difference between Allopathic Medicine (MD) NOTE— Back in Auditorium LSB PM! Visit for more details! (academic event=10 pts)
CURRENT MEMBERSHIP STANDING Make Your Voice Heard Contact us!
Office Hours (Office located in LSB Atrium; 3 rd floor) Seema: Monday 3-4pm Tameer: Monday 6-7pm Olivia: Tuesday 11:30-12:30pm Paul: Tuesday 3-4pm Alyssa: Wednesday 12-1pm *Wednesdays=AMSA Meetings* Alan: Thursday 10-11am Emily: Thursday 1-2pm Amber: Friday 1-2pm
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: Facebook Group: AMSA-LoyolaAMSA-Loyola #amsaluc
Inspire Hour: AMSA Quote of the Week! “The strongest oak in the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.” ~Napoleon Hill
Welcome LUC Stritch SOM Admission Panel Michael Koller, MD Admission Committee Chair Adrian Jones, MD Dean of Admissions Viviana Martinez Director of Admissions
Thank you AMSA!