Noah and the Flood Katelynn Culp
Noah walked with God, God came to Noah and told him that there was going to be a flood and to build an ark.
God wanted to erase every living thing because there were filled with violence
God told Noah to go into the ark with his wife and his sons and their wives and to bring a male and a female of every living creature.
The waters prevailed for a hundred and fifty days The waters prevailed for a hundred and fifty days. The waters decreased and the ark landed upon the mountains of Ararat.
Noah opened the window after forty days and sent out a raven which came back, then Noah send a dove, and then dove returned. He sent out the dove again and the dove brought back an olive leaf. Noah waited seven more days and sent the dove again and the dove never returned and Noah knew that the waters dried up.
Noah removed the cover of the ark and saw dry land Noah removed the cover of the ark and saw dry land. God came to him and said to leave the ark.
God came to Noah and said “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth.” He also told him that every moving thing that lives shall be meat for him.
God spoke to Noah and his sons and said I will make a covenant with you and all your children after you and never shall all flesh be cut off anymore by the waters of the flood.