Ch 15 Analyze the effect of Westward Expansion on Slavery & also events that led to Civil War #2 (the Entire timeline)
Missouri Compromise 1820 (#1) Question: What caused the issue of slavery to flare up in 1819? Issue: Missouri sought statehood. Decision: -Missouri – slave state - Maine – no slaves - Remaining territory north of closed to slavery *Compromise preserved balance between free and slave states in the Senate. Compromise of 1850 #6 Issue: - Admission of land acquired in Mexican Cession Decision: #5 - Cali – no slavery (N) - NM & Utah – popular sovereignty (S) - Slave trade abolished in D.C. (N) - Passage of “Fugitive Slave Act” (S) = escaped slaves must be returned to their owners Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 Issue: - Southern legislators blocking admission of western territory N. or parallel from joining the union (closed to slavery) Decision: - Void (overturn) Missouri Compromise - Allow popular sovereignty to decide issue of slavery in Lou Territory RESULT: Kansas Nebraska Act led to violence in Kansas (“bleeding Kansas”)
1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” – book about evils of slavery - Best seller in North - South hated the book Raid on Harpers Ferry – John Brown led raid on federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia - Goal: free slaves and arm them to fight their masters - Brown hung - Northerners saw Brown as hero. Towns rang bells/fired guns to celebrate his heroic act - Southerners were insulted and infuriated that N. would celebrate the murderer John Brown - Increased feelings of Sectionalism
Dred Scott Decision 1860 Sp Ct Decision: 1. Slaves – property 2. 5 th A. prohibits Congress from taking away someone’s property 3. Congress could not prohibit slavery in any territory 4. Popular Sovenigntry illegal – voters can not prohibit slavery Abraham Lincoln elected President Lincoln (R)=Republican - Rep. announced against slavery - Southerners threatened to secede if Lincoln won election - Many S. states did not allow Lincoln on ballot S. Carolina secedes Union S. Carolina – led by John C. Calhoun first S. state to leave the union - “States Rights” – national govt violated the contract (constitution) by refusing to enforce Fugitive Slave Act - So states have right to leave U.S. and form their own country
Feb 1861 Six more S. States seceded and formed the “Confederate States of America” - Jefferson Davis - President April 1861 Confederate forces attack Fort Sumter - Civil War begins
Causes of Civil War - sectionalism N &S like two different counties. Different economic, social, and political beliefs. North Needed tariffs to support manufacturing economy Wanted to abolish slavery Believed in Federal Supremacy South Hated tariffs – no need in agricultural economy Economy based on slavery Believed in States’ Rights