Overview Overview of WA Police Overall Communications Program of Work Challenges in implementing state wide in-vehicle mobile data –Private versus public networks –WA Police approach –Benefits Review of mobile devices and applications in use Next steps – Next Generation Mobility
WA Police Overview The Western Australia Police (WAPOL) is the world’s largest by area single police jurisdiction Comprises over 5,000 police officers and 1,000 civilian support staff Operates over 1,100 vehicles Covers an area of almost 2.5 million square kilometres Serves a community of over 2 million residents Organisational structure Metropolitan Region Regional WA 14 districts 162 police stations
Challenges Recent History In 2006/7 Western Australia Police implemented an in-vehicle mobile data solution (TADIS) to 450 metropolitan based vehicles via a Police privately owned data network over the greater metro area. In 2010 coverage of the private network was doubled. This system provides Police access to state and national inquiries, mug shots, full tasking information, vehicle tracking, electronic mapping and floor plans. Issue in 2010 State wide standardisation of service delivery Cost to implement a state wide data network.
Proven and Demonstrable- Approach Police had trialed a Telco based network to supplement the existing privately owned data network with 15 devices. Connectivity via Police firewalls and message switch was proven Solution was based on same client (Motorola PDMC) as TADIS Majority of same hardware platform used was exchanged for a Next G modem via existing Ansaldo STS contracts Security provided via client encryption and other agency security Outcome Low data costs, low implementation costs Trial successful February 2010 statewide Regional implementation commences 350 in-vehicle mobile data implemented Designs, approval and installations – “in-house”
Majority of vehicles to be built in Perth In order to support the training and business change, six vehicles were aggressively targeted per regional district More efficient use of resources, larger volumes possible Logistics Close liaison with Fleet Services Moving order of vehicles to be replaced to arrange the initial 6 per district Ensure priority of vehicle replacement for those with data Leverage the culture Provide a number opportunistic “windows” Implement a mobile installation team to finalise installs.
Much of the support approach is standardised with the metropolitan area with increased focus in some areas: Data Updates Some data updates are too large for “over the air” updating. Files are updated on vehicle commissioning (6-12 month) Supportability Fault Diagnosis More initial in-depth analysis to reduce the travel overhead. Regional support via private contractors where necessary Improved quality control on installation.
Business Change Two Part Plan Provision of standardised tools for inquiries state wide Standardised call taking and dispatch Approach Initial 2 week training and business engagement 3 regional visits to maintain impetus Outcome Inquiry component well received Standardised tasking, dispatch, GPS tracking and centralised control required ongoing refinement
Benefits The introduction of mobile data in regional Western Australia has revolutionised Police operations. Increased officer safety and accountability Operational inquires have increased 25 fold Standardised business processes state wide Human Resource savings 12.7% reduction in volume crime Network availability has remained compatible with the private network. The use of mobile data puts the right officer at the right place with the information to “do the job right”.
Review of mobile devices and applications in use Tactical TADIS (in vehicle) TADIS Lite (PDA) Investigative Planned Forensic Digital Data Administrative TADEX TADISLiteR (trial) Investigative Tactical Administrative Pervasive Mobile Data
TADISLite – Handheld mobile data Police have implemented 435 TADISLite state wide with the following uses: Mobile data access for foot patrols, canine units, mounted units and bike patrols. Motorcycle patrols and drug and breathalyser buses. Crime investigations where mobile data access is required away from the vehicle. Replacement of in-vehicle mobile data for marginal users. Fast tracking mobile data into remote areas impacted by the logistics of a vehicle installation.
Mobile Data Investigative –Forensic 1/2 State wide, mobile data, evidence acquisition and management system Managing the bulk of Forensic activity Integrated into other Police systems Linked to support agencies Browser based, similar in principle to using MS Internet Explorer. Digital Forensic case, exhibit and evidence management system:
13 Mobile Data Investigative –Forensic 2/2
Mobile Data – Administrative TADEX Change of approach, rather than monolith system, taking COTS product and use tools to enhance security and supportability. Link of tactical data to normal office requirement ie , Microsoft office products, web… The input options are critical
Next Steps - Vehicle Mobility Project WA Police have worked with NSA on the development of a next generation police vehicle. Improved power management Integrated Video Management Automatic Number Plate Recognition Multi network access Integrated systems Key current activities Migrate from a concept car to a production system Develop corporate infrastructure to support vehicle systems Benefits tracking and assessment
Questions ? Lance Martin APM Superintendent Business Technology Western Australia Police