INEE Minimum Standards Assessment Final Report Presentation Location, Date, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

INEE Minimum Standards Assessment Final Report Presentation Location, Date, 2012

Purpose of Assessment & Methodology Respondent Profile Findings & Key Observations Discussion Presentation Overview

“It is critical to understand who is aware of the INEE Minimum Standards, how they are being used, how they are institutionalized in plans and policies.” – Assessment TOR Question: What is the value added of the INEE Minimum Standards Handbook to date as a tool for: – Advocacy – Coordination – Program planning and response – Research – Institutional change Purpose of Assessment

Three Elements: 1) Literature Review 2) Interviews (17 stakeholders) and Focus Groups (3 total – NY, DC, Beirut) 3) Online Survey in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and Urdu Methodology

Respondents 701 Respondents from 117 Countries 46% work at national, 22% at international and 14% at regional levels 52% affiliated with the Education Cluster

Awareness of INEE MS Overall: Good – 45%, Basic – 40%, Limited – 15% 3 years or less 4-6 years

Key Observations Little over half of the respondents trained UN Agency most trained, National NGOs least Education Cluster coordinators/Info Managers have had most training. “Have you participated in an INEE MS Training?” Overall: Yes – 53% No – 47%

Training by Region & Frequency of Use How often do you use the INEE MS?

Usage: “In what context have INEE MS been most used?” Key Observations  Used more in Conflict exclusively than in Natural Disaster  Not completely skewed to one context  ‘Other’ responses include:  Prevention and Mitigation  Academic settings  Policy Level, Post- Conflict

Usage: “At what stage of response have INEE MS been most used?” Key Observations  ‘Choose all that apply’ question  Used most during Preparedness stage  Not used as often at Acute Response stage

Usage: “How often do you use INEE MS when planning/implementing work?” Overall: Regularly – 29%, Sometimes – 42%, Never – 13% Key Observations  National NGOs and International NGOs use them most frequently  Academic Institutions use less frequently  Overall, usage is high

Usage: “How useful have they been?” Overall: Very Useful – 38%, Useful – 57%, Not Useful – 5% Key Observations  Similar profiles across agencies – High levels  For International NGOs, not as useful  National NGOs and Academic Institutions ranked them ‘Very Useful’ significantly higher than overall response

Most frequent uses of the INEE MS Advocacy for EiE and recognition of education as a key hum. Response (264) Disaster/emergency preparedness planning (112) Monitoring and Evaluation (102) Training and Capacity Development purposes (102) Proposal Development (95) Project Design (93) Teaching and Learning about EiE (90) Coordination of Education Activities (81) Research (72) Top 9 most frequent uses from 17 possible answer choices.

Public messages by key opinion leaders have been informed by the INEE MS The INEE MS have contributed to policy decisions Used the INEE MS to advocate with governments and donor agencies to prioritize and fund Education in Emergencies. Advocacy

INEE MS incorporated into advocacy message CountryDescription AfghanistanJoint UNICEF/MoE cooperation for Annual Workplans SwazilandDisaster Risk Reduction National Action Plan to 2015 DRCGender-sensitive teacher recruitment HaitiAccess to quality education for displaced children Burkina FasoFlash appeal to mobilize funds for Education sector after floods Cote d’IvoireRe-opening of schools/temporary learning spaces LiberiaProvision of school feeding for Ivorian refugees

The INEE MS have been used as a guide for coordination of Education stakeholders in a humanitarian setting. The INEE MS have been used as a reference for assigning /targeting/ directing resources. INEE MS as a guide for Coordination

Use of the Minimum Standards # times selected (all choices in descending order) As reference when developing project implementation plan209 Incorporated into project proposal172 Developed a M&E framework with guidance from INEE MS136 INEE MS incorporated into work with Ministry of Education99 Checked against the INEE MS before finalizing project design for additional project ideas 88 Incorporated in project design linkages and components related to other sectors with guidance from the INEE MS 71 An existing project has been redesigned to incorporate MS42 Requested additional funding to redesign projects to meet INEE MS 30 “How were the INEE MS used for Programming?"

“To what extent were the INEE MS used in the following areas?”

“Have you ever used the INEE MS for Research Purposes?” Yes: 31% No: 69% “Used as a conceptual and/or organizing framework for report, paper, article” Yes: 30% No: 70% “Cited in report, paper, article” Yes: 47% No: 53% Key Observations  Less used for research purposes  Academics score highest  Used mainly for: Theses/ Dissertation Donor Application/ Proposal Project/ Progress/ Activity Reports Internal Reports/ Evaluations TORs Guidance Note on DRR Research

Key Observations  Intl. NGOs and UN Agencies – higher levels of commitment  Most commonly cited reasons for not committing:  Institution lacks funds  No capacity or trained staff to support implementation  No Education and/or EiE Strategy/Policy. “Has your organization committed to using the INEE MS?” Overall: Yes: 85% No: 15%

Key Observations  Many have committed to using – less have formally adopted into org. policies  UN higher than others “Have the INEE MS been formally adopted into the policies/procedures of your organization?” Overall: Yes: 42% No: 58%

Led to an increase in organizational capacity to prepare and respond to emergency education. Incorporated as a key component to professional/capacity development Institutional Change: Capacity Building

Respondent Recommendations Online training tools Included case studies Contextualized Standards More specific and quantitative

Discussion 1)What are the takeaways from this Assessment relative to you and your organization or agency? 2)What actions can you or your organization take to strengthen your education in emergency programs given the data presented in the Assessment? For more information: Please your feedback, questions and comments to If you are currently not a member of INEE and would like to join, please visit