NC Floodplain Mapping Program Highlights (preliminary observations) -Large number of data producers -Handful of 1 st generation delivery orders in progress -All agree to supply data for flood mapping -Actual data formats, projection, & datum will vary -All data not necessarily off-the shelf but are derivable -Previous two observations will be challenges for efficient base mapping collection process GIS Data Availability Survey
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Highlights (observed comments/issues) –Use local tiling schemes (example: 1”=400’ scale, 10k x 10k tile for base map) –Use English units of measurement –Give ample time to prepare data for CGIA GIS Data Availability Survey
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Survey Background –Primarily based on 1997 state-wide county survey conducted by SGUC/NCDOT and the NSGIC/SMAC NSDI Framework Data Survey –Involves input from the Statewide Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC) –Mailed to counties and municipalities in the 6 eastern river basins GIS Data Availability Survey
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Survey process.. –Use and update existing Framework Data contacts database (115 reps statewide) –Call contacts once scoping meeting is scheduled –Fax or survey instrument –Schedule appointment with contact –Determine if other local contacts exist GIS Data Availability Survey
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Survey Specifics –Comprehensive – asks detailed questions about hardware, software, data distribution, and related policy –Contains specific questions for base map data layers (county boundaries, orthophotography, hydrography, etc.) –Survey responses are input into a computer program tool… GIS Data Availability Survey
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Computer program designed to store survey information
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Computer Program Background –Developed by Dewberry & Davis LLC –Created as a way to log survey responses in a computer database –Stores data in Microsoft Access –Format and questions are identical to mailed survey
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Some results from the survey…
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Survey Status - Counties
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Orthophotography Status
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Transportation Status
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Cadastral Status
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Surface Waters Status
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Elevation Status
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Survey Status - Municipalities Burlington Carrboro Chapel Hill Elizabethtown Garner Graham Jacksonville Knightdale Morrisville North Topsail Beach Princeville Rocky Mount Rolesville Tarboro Wake Forest Zebulon Camp Lejeune
NC Floodplain Mapping Program Next Steps Complete surveys for 6 basins – Jan 31 Enter all results into database – Jan 31 Showcase results –Web Map/Data Site, Reports, Other? Survey 11 remaining basins – June 30
NC Floodplain Mapping Program GIS Survey Scoping Team Jeff Brown David Giordano Tim Johnson Zsolt Nagy Ken Shaffer Tom Tribble Terry Ellis Forrest Robson Bill Miller Rob Allen Steve Morris James Sanborn Sue Hoegberg