GIS “The Hero” for Next Generation 911 Joe Sewash North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
February 27, NC GIS Conference2
February 27, NC GIS Conference3,,2014
February 27, NC GIS Conference4 1, calls will be processed statewide during this ninety minute session
February 27, NC GIS Conference5
February 27, NC GIS Conference6 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) may serve a minor role in legacy 911 systems, but it will be an integral part of the next-generation technologies. The sooner 911 professionals realize this and start preparing, the smoother their transition to a next-generation 911 system will be, according to panelists at the recent Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) conference. GIS will become the ‘hero’ of 911, says APCO panelist -- Urgent Communications, 9/2/2014
February 27, NC GIS Conference7 GIS will become the ‘hero’ of 911, says APCO panelist -- Urgent Communications, 9/2/2014 “As we shift focus to the future, GIS will become the hero in the next-generation 911 world and the basis for a lot of what happens. It’s really shifting the role from being a supporting role to being perhaps the heart and soul of call routing and many of the other functions. We’re shifting into this hugely geospatial world.” -- Sean Petty, Mission Critical Partners
“…the heart and soul of call routing…” Call routing: today Emergency Service Number Location determination Call routing: NG scenario Locational determination from call initiation Location “travels” with the call through ESInet GIS maps of PSAP coverage areas will route calls Calls can be dynamically routed to backup / secondary sites February 27, NC GIS Conference8
February 27, NC GIS Conference9
“… and many of the other functions.” GIS maps for police, fire, EMS dispatch zones GIS maps for dispatching other services (Hazmat, CDC, etc.) AVL Situational status / response Sensor networks Traffic cameras, road conditions, environmental sensors Future possibilities … February 27, NC GIS Conference10
Datasets and Standards From NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model Required Datasets Road centerlines (RCL) Emergency Service Boundaries Strongly Recommended Datasets Road Alias Table Site / Structure Addresses State and County Boundaries Cell Sites February 27, NC GIS Conference11
GIS Data Maintenance Discrepancy management Strong vertical QC requirements between GIS data layers Spatial Information Function (SIF) February 27, NC GIS Conference12
February 27, NC GIS Conference13
Beyond NextGen911 … Pervasive improvements in data quality for other GIS applications and datasets Tempo of update cycles Stakes, visibility, and opportunity February 27, NC GIS Conference14
Take Aways Be informed Track and participate in evolving NC and national standards Develop and maintain shared GIS datasets Be engaged Proactive relationships with 911 counterparts Prioritize understanding and training Gain trust February 27, NC GIS Conference15
Contact Information Richard Taylor, ENP Executive Director, NC 911 Board Joe Sewash, CGCIO Program Manager, CGIA NCLGISA Spring Symposium16