Tutorial:Engineering metrology Topic: Workshop gauges Prepared by: Ing. Pavel Rožek Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Workshop gauges
Final length Basic gauges, limit calibres, measuring mandrels, referential (setting) rings etc. Linear length Steel gauges, survey areas, steel coiling meters etc.
Slide callipers represent large group of simple gauges. There belong slide callipers, slide depth gauges and slide altimeters. They are universal, they are used to shaft and hole diameters measuring, distance, pitch and depth measuring, and also to geometrical deviation measuring.
Slide calliper with vernier Vernier difference is 0,1 mm, 0,05 mm or 0,02 mm. Slide callipers with dial deviation indicator Scale division of circular dial is 0,05 mm, 0,02 mm or 0,01 mm. Digital slide calliper has electronic measuring system, measured value is read on display with digital reading 0,01 mm. Digital slide depth gauge
Altimeters are devices with vertical measuring axis, Slide altimeter used for undemanding control operations and for scribing too, Universal altimeter used at demanding checking of difficult, box parts. They enable to evaluate measuring results in 2 coordinates.
Gauges for measuring inside and outside sizes. Measuring element is micrometric bolt (measuring spindle). Snap micrometer - measuring extent is 25 mm, - measuring force is from 5 N to 10 N, Types of snap micrometer: - wire micrometers, - thread micrometers, - tooth micrometers Micrometer with dial deviation indicator (pasameter)
Self-centring dual-contact cavity gauge (for accurate measuring inside holes) Self-centring three-contact cavity gauge Digital cavity gauge (for accurate measuring inside holes)
They are gauges - stroke of measuring rod converts by gear mechanism to deviation indicator scale. In accordance to transmission mechanism, they divide into: - Deviation indicators with mechanical gear, - Deviation indicators with mechanical-optical gear, - Deviation indicators with pneumatic transmission, - Deviation indicators with electric transmission
Dial deviation indicators are used for: Measuring of controlled deviations compared with nominal or set dimension Measuring of shape and position deviations (peripheral and frontal offset) Setting of components to required position at metalworking or measuring
Measuring bench (table) for dial deviation indicators, toggle deviation indicators, indicators and measuring probes Machine for peripheral throwing control for quick and easy control of peripheral offset
Name at least 3 slide callipers and describe their usage in practice. Question 2: What is the machine for peripheral offset control used for?
NENÁHLO, Čeněk. Měření geometrických veličin. 1. Praha: ČMS, s. Mahr, MINIKATALOG – VÝROBNÍ MĚŘICÍ TECHNIKA Translation: JANATA, Petr. Handy slovník technický anglicko-český a česko- anglický. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, ISBN Lingea LEXIKON 5, Technický slovník anglicko-český a česko- anglický