What principles do you live by? Identify 3 of your own.


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Presentation transcript:

What principles do you live by? Identify 3 of your own. Be loyal Never lie All people have equal rights Try everything once Don’t harm nature Respect your parents Do whatever feels good Don’t use people as objects for your own benefit Why is it important to try and live well ? To identify some Christian values & where they come from To explain how the Holy Spirit helps us to live a good life To evaluate the virtues

Christian Values & Virtues To describe Christian values and virtues To evaluate the gifts of the Spirit in helping us to live a good life

(God/ Jesus/ Apostles) Sources of Christian Values: Where do they come from? Love God with all your heart and soul, and your neighbour as yourself Be a peacemaker Refuse to sign up for war Care for the earth Remain single, if you cannot marry Do not cheat on your tax return Be faithful to prayer care for those who need help Bible (God/ Jesus/ Apostles) Christian values Church Teaching Conscience Draw the diagram write in each section what Christian values you might get from that “source” Which source would you take most notice of? Why? **Can you think of another example for one of these?

Christian Values: Give an example of a value that comes from each of these sources

The 4 Cardinal Virtues A virtue is a skill, or habit, in doing good. Prudence (wise decision making) The 4 Cardinal Virtues Fortitude (sensible amount of courage in difficulty) A virtue is a skill, or habit, in doing good. Virtues are good habits that help us to live well. They build up a good character and lead to a good life for yourself and others. Virtues, like any habit, need to be practiced. There are 4 main virtues “cardinal virtues”. All other virtues like honesty, generosity, patience, hard work, come from them. Justice (acting fairly to all) Temperance (putting sensible limits on pleasures) Why are virtues important? Write out the 4 cardinal virtues and match them with their opposite. (greedy, foolish, reckless/ timid, selfish) How does someone go about getting a virtue? Explain with an example. **Which of the 4 cardinal virtues do you think is the most important to have? Why?

Draw & label the 7 gifts of the Spirit being given to someone virtuous. Why is it easier for someone with the Holy Spirit to be a good person? **If someone claimed to be a good person, how could you tell that they were? God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us develop our virtues, and stick to them. The Holy Spirit encourages us and gives us strength to live a life of virtue. You can tell someone is living a life of virtue, because they begin to show the character of the Spirit – the character of Jesus. What is this character like? Fruits of H.S

What fruit (of the Holy Spirit) am I?

Label the 4 cardinal virtues Wisdom Draw the diagram Label the 4 cardinal virtues Label the Holy Spirit and the 7 gifts the Holy Spirit gives Label the fruits of the Spirit seen that show the person is being helped by the Spirit **Which of the Fruits of the Spirit would you most like to see develop in your life? Why? Cardinal virtue 3 Cardinal virtue 1 + 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit Cardinal virtue 2 Cardinal virtue 4 FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT

Meditation on Fruits of the Spirit 4:20