BLACKBOARD CONFIGURATION Do Now: Reflecting on the Mexican Revolution, what are its core values? Objectives: 1.To discuss the muralism movement in the 1920s 2.To analyze the National Palace mural 3.To set up the muralism movement in the 1920s Homework: Progress report presentation due Wednesday, 4/13
REVIEW 1.What happened to Carranza and his government? 2.What were the main contributions of the government of Obregón? 3.Who was Lazaro Cardenas and why was he significant? 4.What was the PRN? Why was it so important? 5.How did the relationship between Mexico and the United States develop?
RECAP José Vasconcelos created the Secretariat of Public Education in 1921 Patron for the Mexican mural movement The Big Three Diego Rivera David Alfáro Siqueiros José Clemente Orozco
SECRETARIAT OF PUBLIC EDUCATION Created to disseminate revolutionary ideas Cultural patronage Artists limited by preferences of government
WHAT IS A MURAL? With a partner, come up with answers to the following three questions: What is a mural—how do you define it? Who decides the meaning of a mural? How is the space important?
MAJOR THEMES OF MURALS Revolutionary values Indigenous life A narrative of Mexican history The Mexican Revolution
QUOTE, EDWARD LUCIE-SMITH “Muralism’s significance lies in the stress it lays on the continuing viability of public art which is given a new role by being made to activate the search for national and cultural identity and convey political ideology”
DIEGO RIVERA Main themes History of Mexico Industrialization and society Famous murals La historia de Mexico, National Palace, , 1935 Secretariat of Public Education, National School of Agriculture, Chapingo, Cortes Palace, Cuernavaca, Detroit Industry, Detroit, MI, Man, Controller of the Universe, Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City, 1934
NATIONAL PALACE Rivera’s most well known mural in Mexico Chronicles the history of Mexico Spans back wall of staircase
JOSE CLEMENTE OROZCO Main themes: Colonization and oppression History of Mexico Famous murals: Hospicio Cabañas Palace of Fine Arts Casa de los Azulejos Jalisco Government Palace, Guadalajara
HOSPICIO CABAÑAS Built in the early 1800s to provide care and shelter for the disadvantaged Chapel decorated by Orozco’s murals Cover all the walls and the ceiling
DAVID ALFARO SIQUEIROS Main themes Goals of the Revolution Oppression of the working classes Famous murals El pueblo a la universidad, la universidad al pueblo, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Secretariat of Public Education Palace of Fine Arts Cuauhtemoc contra el mito, Tecpan
COMO SE PINTA UN MURAL, SIQUEIROS “[The style could be a consequence of the social function of the mural, of the modern material techniques that demand a modern mural work, understanding through these material techniques the tools such as the materials, the principles and the scientific methods of perspective composition. And when we say that the mural could be a consequence of its social function, we indicate that the mural will not only be a product of the artistic creator, like the creator team, but also, and in a determinant manner, of its corresponding public.]”
HOMEWORK Progress presentation due Wednesday, 4/13 What you need to do: 1.Share your topic with your classmates 2.Give your classmates some background/context information 3.Explain why you think your topic is significant in its context You do not need to make a powerpoint if you don’t want to; the presentation needs to last about 5 minutes This will be a quiz grade