One size doesn't fit all any more! Maintaining a healthier weight is important for your overall health and well being. Today, nearly 1 in 3 children in America are overweight or obese. “Eat a balanced diet." Have you ever found yourself wondering what that means?
One size fits all…REALLY!!!!!! BEFORE and AFTER--Healthy life…for life Need I say more??? “BALANCED DIET”
CARBOHYDRATES What are carbohydrates? Are there "good" and "bad" carbohydrates? Simple carbohydrates vs. Complex carbohydrates: What is the difference? Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates because the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen they contain are usually in the proportion to form water What is the primary function of carbohydrates?
Are there "good" and "bad" carbohydrates? simple (nicknamed "bad") or complex (nicknamed "good") based on their chemical makeup and what your body does with them Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates
“Good" vs “Bad" carbohydrates? Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates Corn sweetener Brown Sugar Oatmeal Corn syrupOat bran Dextrose Nuts and Seeds Fructose Most Fruits (strawberries, High-fructose corn syrup blueberries, pears, apples) Fruit juice concentrates Dry Beans and Peas Glucose Fibrous Foods such as: Syrup Whole Wheat Breads Honey Barley Invert sugar Brown Rice Lactose Couscous Maltose Whole Grain Cereals Malt Syrup Wheat Bran Molasses Vegetables (most) Raw sugar Sucrose Sugar SO WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THESE CARBS???
serve as excellent energy providers 45-65% of your total daily calories come from carbohydrates.
PROTEINS What do you think about when you hear the word protein? *Proteins are part of every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies. Protein is found in the following foods: GIRLS AGES Y.O. – 46g BOYS AGES Y.O. – 52g WOMEN AGES g MEN AGES g 1 cup of milk has 8 grams of protein A 3-ounce piece of meat has about 21 grams of protein 1 cup of dry beans has about 16 grams of protein An 8-ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein
LIPIDS WHAT IN ARE THESE??? HINT: SATURATED… UNSATURATED… CHOLESTEROL…TRIGLYCERIDES contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but have far less oxygen proportionally than carbohydrates. What do you think???
It is the difference between…
LIPIDS Lipids are “FATS” Saturated Fats are solid at room temperature LIPIDS
Unsaturated Fats are liquid at room temperature
So…how do you rank in understanding nutrition??? In your health journal, answer the following questions for each slide (be sure to describe the food/drink that you are answering the questions for): 1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Journal #3.1
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Ceasar Salad Journal #3.1(a)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Strawberry Smoothie Journal #3.1(b)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Energy Bar Journal #3.1(c)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Diet Cola (Soda) Journal #3.1(d)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? MILK-Whole milk vs Skim milk Journal #3.1(e)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Latte with Skim Milk Journal #3.1(f)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Turkey Hotdogs Journal #3.1(g)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Energy Drinks or Flavored Tea Journal #3.1(h)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Microwave popcorn Journal #3.1(i)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? KFC Cole Slaw Journal #3.1(j)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Cinnamon Rolls Journal #3.1(k)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Banana Chips Journal #3.1(l)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Snack Crackers Journal #3.1(m)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Burrito with Tortilla Chips Journal #3.1(n)
1). Is this a healthy choice for a meal? 2). Why or why not? (Explain your answer) 3). What makes this selection a nutritious choice over something else? (Explain) 4). What would be a better choice? Vitamin or flavored Water Journal #3.1(o)
How did you do??? What are you going to eat for lunch? How can you start to change your health…today?