e-Portfolios….. it just makes sense Cheryl Chapman Instructional/Web Designer
Let’s define…Portfolios Collection of materials or artifacts Designed for a specific objective Focus on Mastery Skills Attitudes Knowledge Includes reflection Evaluation Provides evidence Effort Accomplishments Progress
Portfolio Groups...P 3 Process Documents learning “journey” Outlines, Drafts and Strategies Beginning – middle - final Product Materials or artifacts student chooses as best Criteria for inclusion Document the quality and range Accomplishments not the process Perceptions Reflection
Types of Portfolios Developmental Teacher Education Proficiency Showcase Employment Skills Professional College Admission Post Graduate
Why? Fosters active learning ownership and control of learning Motivates students Feedback Discussion of student performance Benchmarks Accessible Store multiple media Easy to upgrade Cross-reference of student work interdisciplinary
Advantages Learner Centered Outcomes Centered Integrates Curriculum Instruction Assessment Accessible Easy to Update
Challenges Time consuming Decisions concerning content Easy to Update Integrity/Password Protection Technology Learning curve Feedback Well, did you get it? I sent it more than 10 minutes ago
What’s in there? Lifelong Portfolio Writing sample Standardized test scores English/Math assessments Oral communication skills Course Level Portfolio Projects Assignments Templates Discussions/Debates
What should be in there… Table of contents/Directory Themes/Categories Goals and Objectives Benchmarks Summary of Completed Courses/Activities Planning guide Current status of “Learning Plan” Writing sample Transcripts Evaluations Faculty Employer Self-evaluations Student Reflection
Let’s define….e-portfolios What’s in a name Digital portfolio Electronic portfolio web-folio e-folio Collection of materials presented in an electronic format Web CD ROM Portable Hard Drive
e-Contents Lifelong e-portfolio Writing sample Standardized test scores English/Math assessments Oral communication skills Course Level e-portfolio Projects Assignments Templates Discussions/Debates
Creating e-portfolios Text Word processor Spreadsheets Database Adobe Acrobat - PDF Graphics Imaging Software Photoshop/Image Ready Fireworks Graphs/charts Diagrams Audio Mp3 WMA (Windows Media Audio) Aif Video avi mov RealOne Windows Media Player Models 2 Dimensional 3 Dimensional Animations/ Simulations Flash Web pages/Web sites Html, XHTML, etc Dreamweaver FrontPage Web interface or CMS
What to do with the e-thing… Storage Database FileMaker Pro Access Sharing Internet Downloadable Streaming CD ROM/DVD Portable Hard Drive Assessment Criteria Rubrics Standardized test Projects etc
Tools you may need… Computer Microphone Web Cam or other video camera Digital or Film Camera Scanner Additional Disk Storage Program to organize materials
E-portfolio Assessment What students must know/be able to do Outcomes based, authentic assessment Student reflection on their own work and progress What do I need to do? Does it meet criteria for mastery? Yes? Go to next skill No? Correct until mastery criteria is met So now what? Student is responsible for their own learning Demonstrate student is learning What How
Authentic Assessment Performing real-world tasks Demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills Why do I need this? Does this apply to the learning outcome
Course Level Example Introduction to Computers in Education: Technology Proficiencies for Teachers Level 1 8 week course/Online delivery Certificate of completion California Credential –Technology proficiency requirement Content Challenges Computer ‘jargon’ Using equipment Educational Issues
Course e-portfolio Outcomes/Elements Following directions Weekly assignment – –Chapter contents quiz and educational issue –Creating/formatting word document –Correctly using with attachments Authentic Assessment Will need –a resume –a cover letter –to create gradesheets and databases –to use and attachments
Course e-portfolio Midterm Midterm Project Resume – with or without wizard Cover Letter Writing skills, word processing Calendar Landscape mode Clip Art Create gradesheet – spreadsheet formulas Create enrollment or fund raising spreadsheet with chart Create database – productivity Spelling list columns, centering
Course e-portfolio Final Create PowerPoint Presentations Back to School Open House Text –Size, colors, Amount of text Formatting PowerPoint Presentation #2 Adding Clip Art and Animation Effects to a Presentation Part 2 Lesson Plan Design a short lesson that you would use with your classes that integrates technology Student and teacher
Phew...who gets to grade this? Rubric Minimum Requirements for Mastery Format Content flexible but realistic More is not better –Process, growth and reflection Enough time to correct and resend
Publishers McGraw Hill FolioLive
Questions??? Mastery it is! Cheryl Chapman Instructional/Web Designer