Creating a Portfolio Website Phillips
Go to
Click Sign In
Create a new user + password
Re-enter and Password, Click Sign up
Select a category or click “all templates” (at the bottom)
Pick a template (blank options available & a bit easier to work with!)
Option: search for portfolio
Pick a template by clicking edit!
Watch the introduction video.
Security Features Required of all students
Search engines should not be able to find you.
Protecting with a password (required)
Protecting with a password 2 (required – make every page the same password)
Renaming existing pages
Adding pages
Adding pages 2
Reordering pages (drag and drop by clicking on the page you want to move)
Adding Elements (text, image, etc.)
Add a blog page like you would any page Add a blog page like you would any page (only one blog per website allowed).
Adding a blog elements
To Edit Other Pages – choose a page at the top
Another way to find settings – click anywhere on the page or on a specific item
To delete features – click item & select trash icon (bottom right of pop-up menu) Hm... I want to delete this thing.
Undo-Redo and Copy-Paste
Adding images
Adding Images 2
Adding images 3 (drag and drop from folder OR select files to upload)
Adding hyperlinks Step 1 - Highlight or click on the text or image that you want to hyperlink Step 2 – Click the link button
Adding hyperlinks Step 3 – Select the type of hyperlink you would like to create. Step 4 – click “ok”
Adding hyperlinks Step 5 – Copy the URL from a website, upload an image, upload a document, etc. -- Select what you are hyperlinking. Step 6 – copy weblink or select image/document, click “open in new window” or “open in same window” if those are options For this example, I’m copying a URL from a website that I want to link to my portfolio! I’m pasting the URL I copied into the correct location on my wix page. I select open in new window or open in the same window.
Hyperlinks: Did it work? Dotted line underneath = YES, it worked!
Adding hyperlinks to an image 1.Click on the image. 2.Click “link to” 3.Choose the type of hyperlink you would like to create.
Where do I find my site address?
Changing Background, Color, and Font
Adding documents 1.Choose the “+” sign. 2.Click on “media”.
Adding documents 2
Adding documents 3 When you add a document, an icon will pop up on the screen. Right click or double click the icon to add your document by clicking “choose document” from the menu.
Adding documents 4 Now, you will either choose a document you’ve uploaded or upload a new document.
Adding documents 5 Your document is now on the page. You may move it to a different part of the page. You may change the icon or style of the font, too.
Other media could include …
Add buttons and menus
Add free apps (including one that will let you embed the web)
Add page transitions
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