Evidence FOR Life after Death
1. Ancient beliefs Archaeologists - 150,000 years ago – Neanderthal man – practice of ritual burial – believed in spirit world – life after death Ancient Egyptians built pyramids; embalmed bodies; preserved dead Pharoahs Ancient Chinese – Emperor Shih Huang Ti died approx 210 B.C.E.; buried with terracotta soldiers/horses/chariots (40) to protect in the afterlife
2.Ghosts and Spirits Spirit apparitions Haunted houses Souls of dead people Exorcists - are all symbols of the afterlife because they involve spirits of the dead
3. Presence of dead relatives Visits to people Mediums contacted Received messages from the dead
4. Near death experiences Patients from different -: Societies Cultures Religions who have undergone major surgery have all claimed to have near death experiences
4. Near Death experiences (continued) Claims to have near death experiences can take on TWO forms Leaving the body Looking down from the ceiling onto the bed where the operation is happening AND Spirit drifts along a tunnel (Flatliners film!) and beautiful music plays; there are bright lights, a garden and radiant figures. Your time maybe NOT up and you could return to this world with this explanation.Some can recognise dead relatives
5. Religious beliefs Buddhists? Christians? Hindus? Muslims? Jews? Sikhs?