Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Measurements of EBS and PIGE cross-sections for protons on low-Z nuclei The past The present The future Massimo Chiari Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Florence, Italy DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
The past… 10B(p,p)10B 11B(p,p)11B 12C(p,p)12C 27Al(p,p)27Al 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 10B(p,p)10B 11B(p,p)11B 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2. 75 3.00 12C(p,p)12C 27Al(p,p)27Al DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
The past… Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005 The old KN3000 accelerator in Florence View of the first scattering chamber Inside view of the chamber Detector mount DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
The present… The new LABEC laboratory of INFN in Florence External microbeam High-energy AMS spectrometer Multi-sample AMS injector Tandetron Accelerator 3 MV terminal voltage External beam for archaeometry Multipurpose IBA vacuum chamber External beam for aerosol analysis Electrostatic chopper Multi-angle scattering chamber operational planned for 2006 under installation Dual source IBA injector DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
The present… DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
The present… DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
MULTI-DETECTOR SCATTERING CHAMBER The future… MULTI-DETECTOR SCATTERING CHAMBER Covered angular range: 177.5° to 97.5° 82.5° to 2.5° in steps down to 2.5° 10 x 10 mm2, 300 mm silicon PIN junction detectors Cryogenic mount Electronics & data acquisition up to 24 channels Remotely controlled target holder DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
Backward detector bank The future… Cryostat Forward detector bank Backward detector bank Beam input collimator Beam exit collimator DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
The future… Remote-controlled target holder Detector collimators assembly DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
Measurements conducted at the 5 MV Tandetron accelerator of CMAM in Madrid THESE DATA ARE STILL UNDER ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
Measurements conducted at the 5 MV Tandetron accelerator of CMAM in Madrid THESE DATA ARE STILL UNDER ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
Planned activities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Installation and performance tests of the new multi-detector scattering chamber Year 2 Measurement of the N(p,p)N cross-section up to 6 MeV, from 170° to 100° Measurement of PIGE cross-section from 3 to 6 MeV on Mg, Al, Si, P, S Year 3 Measurement of the C(p,p)C cross-section from 3 to 6 MeV, from 170° to 100° Measurement of the F(p,p)F cross-section up to 6 MeV, from 170° to 100° DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005
Available targets Li 20 mg∙cm-2 Au / 50 mg∙cm-2 LiF / 30 mg∙cm-2 C B 20 mg∙cm-2 B C 4-10-50 mg∙cm-2 C 13C 10-50 mg∙cm-2 13C N 20 mg∙cm-2 GaN F 20 mg∙cm-2 Au / 50 mg∙cm-2 LiF / 30 mg∙cm-2 C Na 70 mg∙cm-2 NaBr / 15 mg∙cm-2 C 24Mg 50 mg∙cm-2 24MgO / 150 mg∙cm-2 Au Al 20-50 mg∙cm-2 Al Si 50 mg∙cm-2 Si DEVELOPMENT OF A REFERENCE DATABASE FOR ION BEAM ANALYSIS Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, 21-23 November 2005