Chapter Objectives Describe why job analysis is a basic human resource tool. Explain the reasons for conducting job analysis. Describe the types of information required for job analysis. Describe the various job analysis methods.
Chapter Objectives (Continued) Describe some human resource forecasting techniques. Define requirements and availability forecasts. Identify what a firm can do when either a surplus or a shortage of workers exists. Describe job design.
Job Analysis: A Basic Human Resource Tool
Job Analysis, Job and Position Job analysis - Systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization Job - Consists of a group of tasks that must be performed for an organization to achieve its goals Position - Collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person
Questions Job Analysis Should Answer What physical and mental tasks does the worker accomplish? When does the job have to be completed? Where is the job to be accomplished? How does the worker do the job? Why is the job done? What qualifications are needed to perform the job?
When Job Analysis Is Performed When the organization is founded When new jobs are created When jobs are changed significantly as a result of new technologies, methods, procedures, or systems
Job Descriptions/Specifications Job description - A document that provides information regarding the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job Job specification - Minimum acceptable qualifications that a person should possess in order to perform a particular job
Reasons For Conducting Job Analysis Staffing Training and Development Compensation and Benefits Safety and Health Employee and Labor Relations
Job Analysis for Teams Historically, companies established permanent jobs and filled these jobs with people who best fit the job description In some firms today, people are being hired and paid on a project basis Today whenever someone asks "What is your job description?" the reply might well be "Whatever."
Types of Job Analysis Information Work activities Worker-oriented activities Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids used Job-related tangibles and intangibles Work performance Job content Personal requirements for the job
Job Analysis Methods Questionnaires Observation Interviews Employee recording Combination of methods
Conducting Job Analysis Interested in gathering data regarding what is involved in performing a particular job People who participate in job analysis
People Who Participate in Job Analysis Should Include (at a minimum) Employee Employee’s immediate supervisor Job analyst Consultants
Items Typically Included in Job Descriptions Major duties performed Percentage of time devoted to each duty Performance standards to be achieved Working conditions and possible hazards Number of employees performing the job and who they report to The machines and equipment used on the job
Job Description Job Identification Date of the Job Analysis Job Summary Duties Performed Job Specification
Educational Requirements Job Specification Minimum Acceptable Qualifications: Educational Requirements Experience Personality Traits Physical Abilities
The Expanded Job Description Jobs are changing Jobs are getting bigger Jobs are getting more complex Changes the way virtually every HR function is performed
Timeliness of Job Analysis Need for accurate job analysis is important Must be kept relevant
Other Job Analysis Methods Functional Job Analysis Position Analysis Questionnaire Management Position Description Questionnaire Guidelines-Oriented Job Analysis Descriptions Now
Strategic Planning The process by which top management determines overall organizational purposes and objectives and how they are to be achieved
Human Resource Planning The process of systematically reviewing HR requirements to ensure that the required number of employees, with the required skills, are available when they are needed
Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning Process External Environment Internal Environment Strategic Planning Human Resource Planning Forecasting Human Resource Requirements Comparing Requirements and Availability Forecasting Human Resource Availability Demand = Supply Surplus of Workers Shortage of Workers Restricted Hiring, Reduced Hours, Early Retirement, Layoff, Downsizing Recruitment No Action Selection
HR Forecasting Techniques Zero-based forecasting Bottom-up approach Use mathematical models Simulation
Forecasting HR Requirements Estimate of numbers and kinds of employees the organization will need at future dates Demand for firm’s goods or services must be forecasted Forecast is then converted into people requirements
Forecasting HR Availability Determining whether the firm will be able to secure employees with the necessary skills and from what sources Show whether the needed employees may be obtained from within the company, from outside the organization, or from a combination of the two sources
Surplus of Employees Restricted hiring Reduced hours Early retirement Layoffs
Shortage of Workers Forecasted Creative recruiting Compensation incentives Training programs Different selection standards
Succession Planning and Development Succession planning - Process of ensuring that the qualified person is available to assume a managerial position once a position is vacant Succession development - Process of determining a comprehensive job profile of key positions and then ensuring that key prospects are properly developed to match these qualifications
Job Design Process of determining the specific tasks to be performed, the methods used in performing these tasks, and how the job relates to other work in the organization Job enrichment - Basic changes in the content and level of responsibility of a job, so as to provide greater challenge to the worker Job enlargement - Changes in the scope of a job to provide greater variety to the worker
Total Quality Management A commitment to excellence by everyone in an organization that emphasizes excellence achieved by teamwork and a process of continuous improvement
Re-engineering The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed