World War One By: Bushra Shaikh 6E
Who? World War One was a war between Austria- Hungary and Serbia. Later Great Britain, France and 25 other nations joined into armies and fought against each other.
Where? It happened in the Middle East and near the Mediterranean Sea. Hear are some examples of the countries: Sudan Libya Italy England Australia North America Russia Switzerland
What? The World War One was fought between a whole lot of countries and there were two teams the Austria- Hungary team and the Serbia team. They all agreed that they will help each other win the war.
When? The World War One was started on July 28 th, 1914 and ended on November the 11 th
Why? It all started off with Austria- Hungary and Serbia, one of the Serbs assassinated the heir to the throne of Hungary, in Sarajevo, Hungary. The name of the heir to throne was Archduke Franz Ferdinand, he was known to be a very important man.
Picture Bibliography Slide 2: 18 th October, th Octoberhttp:// Slide 3: By: Axeman (name written on website) 20 th October 20 th October Slide 4: (no author name)20 th October 20th October. Slide 5: 20 th October shtml?1 20 th October shtml?1 Slide 6: 20 th October 20th October Slide 9: 20 th October 19th October
Information Bibliography
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