Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN UEMS Orthopaedic Section nd annual meeting Edimburgh, September 27th
Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN ► Spain 2008 ► Health care ► Orthopaedic surgery ► SECOT (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología) ► Orthopaedic training
Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN ► Spain 2008 ► Health care ► Orthopaedic surgery ► SECOT (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología) ► Orthopaedic training
Spain 2008 ► people ► Aprox Km 2 (2nd in Europe) ► Weather: Atlantic (north) Mediterranean (east, south) Continental (interior) ► European Comunity since 1986 ► Euro since 2002 ► GNP: 80-90% “euro-zone”
Spain 2008 ► Constitutional monarchy Andalucía Aragón Asturias Cantabria Castilla La Mancha Castilla-León Cataluña Extremadura ► 18 autonomic regions (regional governments and parlaments): Galicia La Rioja Madrid Murcia Navarra País Vasco Valencia
Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN ► Spain 2008 ► Health care ► Orthopaedic surgery ► SECOT (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología) ► Orthopaedic training
Health care ► Public medicine National Health System ► Universal coverage ► Paid with taxes ► Free assistance & free medicines for retired ► Private medicine Urban areas Aprox. 20% population Mostly HMO
Health care ► Public medicine: National Health System Regional organization ► “Consejerías de sanidad” (Health Regional Councils) Supra-regional control ► Health Ministery ► Pros: competence among regions promotes improvement ► Contras: Difficulties in coordination among regions Division of economical funds
Health care ► National Health System Primary medicine: ► GPs ► Health Centers Specialized medicine: ► Hospitals ► Out-patient facilities
Health care ► Hospitals University hospitals ► All Departments ► beds Small hospitals ► “High demand” specialities ► beds
Health care ► Hospitals Hyerarchic organization: ► Physicians: Chief of Department Chiefs of sections / units Members of staff Residents ► Nurses ► Nurse-assistants
Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN ► Spain 2008 ► Health care ► Orthopaedic surgery ► SECOT (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología) ► Orthopaedic training
Orthopaedic surgery ► All pathology in limbs and spine Reumathologists: ► Treatment of inflammatory pathology Rehabilitation physicians: ► direction of physiotherapy Vascular surgeons: ► surgical treatment of vascular pathology
Orthopaedic surgery ► All pathology in limbs and spine Traumatic / non traumatic Diagnostics / Treatment / Follow-up Surgical / Medical / Physical therapy / Conservative
Orthopaedic surgery ► Aprox physicians practising orthopaedic surgery ► (not all official title) ► Typical weekly work-schedule Surgery: 1-2 weekly sessions (7 hours) Out-patient clinic: 2-4 weekly sessions ► 1-2 highly specialised (hospital) ► 1-2 low specialisation (peripheral facilities) Emergency: 1 weekly session (24 hours)
Orthopaedic surgery NO official sub-specialities In practical setting: areas of special interest ► Hand surgery ► Spine surgery ► Shoulder / upper limb ► Arthroscopy / sports / soft knee ► Arthroplasty / lower limb reconstructive ► Trauma
Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN ► Spain 2008 ► Health care ► Orthopaedic surgery ► SECOT (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología) ► Orthopaedic training
SECOT ► 1) Members ► 2) Relations ► 3) Organization ► 4) Activities
SECOT ► 1) MEMBERS Aprox 4000 members ► (not all with official title) ► certified orthopaedic surgeons Full-members ► 500 residents Associate members ► Aprox 1000 non-certified physicians practising orthopaedic surgery Associate members ► Honour members Retired full-members
SECOT ► 2) RELATIONS Internal Study Groups (variables) Infection, spine, pain, TED, dynamic OS, … Fraternal relation ► Spanish sub-speciality societies Spine, Shoulder&Elbow, Hand, Hip, Knee, Arthroscopy, Foot&Ankle, Pediatrics,… ► Spanish regional societies
SECOT ► 2) RELATIONS Member of EFORT & UEMS Special relations: ► AAOS crossed symposia shared book ► Latin America societies crossed symposia
SECOT ► 3) ORGANIZATION General Assembly Executive Committee Senate
SECOT ► 3) ORGANIZATION General Assembly ► Once yearly, in Annual Congress ► Direct vote Election of Vice-President (future President) every two years Election of Journal editor Legislative
SECOT ► 3) ORGANIZATION Executive Committee ► 1 President (elected 2 years before) ► 1 elected Vice-President elected by General Assembly every 2 years ► 1 Past-President ► Treasurer, General Secretary, Members number variable Elected by President Head of Committees: Education, Publications, Annual Congress, Associated Members, Legal issues
SECOT ► 3) ORGANIZATION Senate ► Past-Presidents ► Counseling activity for President
SECOT ► 4) ACTIVITIES Annual Congress Annual Basic Course Journal Publications Grants & Prizes
SECOT ► 4) ACTIVITIES Annual Congress ► 3 full days / aprox 2000 participants ► Rotating location: Madrid / Barcelona / Other ► End of September / Beginning of October ► Educational: Official Themes Instructional Courses Industry symposia ► Research: Free papers Posters
SECOT ► 4) ACTIVITIES Annual Basic Course ► 2-3 days / participants ► Variable location all along country ► June ► Basic Monographic Course for Residents
SECOT ► 4) ACTIVITIES Journal ► “Revista española de Ortopedia y Traumatología” ► Elsevier / Masson ► 6 issues / year ► Editor in chief elected by General Assembly
SECOT ► 4) ACTIVITIES Publications (Books) ► Instructional Courses ► “Up-to dates” ► Monographies ► Hand-book ► Annual Case-Report Book ► Cross-publication with other societies
SECOT ► 4) ACTIVITIES Grants ► Congress & Basic Grants ► Travelling grants ► Foreign & National visits ► Research projects Prizes ► Best Basic & Clinical research study ► Best published paper
Orthopaedic surgery in SPAIN ► Spain 2008 ► Health care ► Orthopaedic surgery ► SECOT (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología) ► Orthopaedic training
Orthopaedic training ► 1) Access ► 2) General organization ► 3) Activities ► 4) Control of training ► 5) Control of training centers
Orthopaedic training ► 1) ACCESS Medical degree National exam ► 250 MCQ about medicine Ranking according to exam + qualifications in Medical School Election by ranking ► Medical speciality ► Hospital
Orthopaedic training ► 2) GENERAL ORGANIZATION Five years 175 residents / year 50% female / male (nowadays) Public hospitals Laboral contract, worker’s rights ► 35 hours/week + hours / days on duty Difficulties with EWDT because of days on duty ► Free day after 24h on duty (not always possible)
Orthopaedic training ► 3) ACTIVITIES Rotations ► External: Compulsory: Anaesthesia, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Optative: most surgical, Rehabilitation, Rheumatology ► Internal: Compulsory: Pediatrics Advisable: tumours, hand, arthroscopy, spine
Orthopaedic training ► 3) ACTIVITIES On duty ► Periods of 24 hours on duty ► From 4 to 8 days / month ► Heavy work in Emergency Department ► Light work in hospitalization ward ► Most hospitals: first call
Orthopaedic training ► 3) ACTIVITIES Surgery ► Progressive responsibility ► 2nd assistant / 1st assistant / supervised surgeon ► 7 hours / session ► sessions / week ► NO compulsory number / type of surgeries
Orthopaedic training ► 3) ACTIVITIES Out-patient office ► Assistant / assisted ► In practice, irregular ► No compulsory ► No in many hospitals
Orthopaedic training ► 3) ACTIVITIES In-hospital patients ► Variable organization according to Departments ► Clinical & burocratic tasks ► Main medical worker for hospitalization ward
Orthopaedic training ► 3) ACTIVITIES Theoretical teaching ► Daily / weekly / monthly sessions ► Sessions of 15 min – 2 hours ► Irregular, great variability ► Types of sessions: Emergency cases / Surgical cases / Hospitalization ward / Bibliography / Monographics / Radiological / Histological
Orthopaedic training ► 4) Control of training Head of teaching: Head of Department Tutor Logbook Continuous evaluation Annual evaluation (logbook + staff opinion) NO compulsory exams NO intermediate exams Voluntary final exam (launching)
Orthopaedic training ► 5) Control of training centers Ministery of Health Periodical audits Control of logbooks Beds / facilities / surgical activity / out-patient activity / library
Thank you