Is there a science to teaching science? BY CATHLEEN GARCIA, FALL 2002
WHAT IS THE STUDY OF SCIENCE? *what we know- content and how we come to know it- process *A way of observing and thinking about the world, and communicating those thoughts to others
HOW HAS SCIENCE INSTRUCTION CHANGED? Early history…exercised students’ minds through rote memorization of information 1960’s…research by Piaget, Bruner and others looked closely at learning styles and environments and suggested changes Currently…NSTA and other professional science organizations promote activity-driven, inquiry-based, thematic science instruction
What methods of science teaching are the most prevalent today? *CONTENT-BASED programs (textbook based) *INQUIRY-BASED programs (activity-based or hands-on) The questions of how children learn, what is important to learn and how learning should take place in a classroom are the fundamental differences…
HOW ARE CONTENT-BASED PROGRAMS CHARACTERIZED? Textbooks, lectures and written assignments Less integration and a wider range of content on a more superficial level Teaches information through interpretation of the printed word More vocabulary and factual recall learning Directed hands-on activities using the lower level process skills Shallow treatment of topics- few opportunities to apply knowledge
HOW ARE INQUIRY-BASED PROGRAMS CHARACTERIZED? De-emphasized reading activities Vocabulary and rote facts receive minimal focus Dynamic-depict science as an ongoing process of exploration and discovery Deep understandings reached by integrating knowledge into new situations Focus is on the higher level process skills of predicting, inferring, hypothesizing, experimenting and controlling variables
What does current research indicate are the “Best Methods” for nurturing intellectual development in children? *Involvement in learning (the key to intellectual development) *Physical manipulation of objects (enhances early stages of cognitive development) *Direct experiences (extensions of natural behaviors with natural phenomena) *Experiential learning (provides a base for the development of abstract reasoning/critical thinking skills)
WHY WE SHOULD CHANGE OUR SCIENCE INSTRUCTION FOCUS … *Hands-on science is intrinsically fun and more interesting *Hands-on science increases student creativity, positive attitudes towards science, logic development, communication skills and reading readiness *Hands-on science benefits students with learning difficulties due to ESL, learning barriers or physical/behavioral deficiencies
TOP 5 REASONS FOR NOT CHANGING SCIENCE INSTRUCTION METHODS… * Text teaching is easier to prepare, assess and administer * Text teaching is usually more organized, disciplined and predictable * Content-based programs are easier to put into place in large independent school districts * History has cultivated a dependency on textbook use in the science classroom And the #1 reason for not changing…
Teachers’ uncertainty, discomfort and lack of resources as well as sometimes- limited backgrounds in science content and science teaching In other words…