The way people are spread out across the earth FACTORS INFLUENCING POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Physical conditions of place Level of development of people
POPULATION DENSITY OF THE WORLD Greenland Amazon Forest Sahara Desert Ganges Valley Western Europe
The world is UNEVENLY DISTRIBUTED. Densely populated (> 100 persons per sq km) Moderately populate Sparsely populated (< 10 persons per sq km)
Population density Number of people living in a square kilometres of land (unit area of land) Total Population Total Area Will help to determine how crowded a place is.
Would you like to live in such an environment? Why?
The Saigon Delta Why is this place so densely populated?
Would you like to live here? Why? Amazon River
Would YOU like to live here?
Factors affecting population density Relief Climate Soils Mineral and energy resources Vegetation cover Accessibility
Factors affecting population density Densely populated areas Relief Low-lying, flat land – good for growing crops, build houses, roads, etc Example: Nile Delta, Ganges Delta (India) Sparsely populated areas Relief High mountainous – poor – difficult for agriculture and housing Example: Mt Everest (Himalayas)
Factors affecting population density Densely populated areas Climate Temperate – sufficient temperature and rainfall – allow crops to grow Eg Western Europe, most parts of Asia Sparsely populated areas Climate Harsh conditions eg too hot (like desert) Too cold (like Antarctica) Does not allow cultivation
Factors affecting population density Densely populated areas Soils Fertile, well-drained soils – good for crops Eg in deltas of Chang Jiang (China) Huanghe (China) Ganges (India) Sparsely populated areas Soils Poor, frozen soil; cannot grow crops Eg Tundra regions
Factors affecting population density Densely populated areas Vegetation cover Less dense forest – easier to clear for agriculture Sparsely populated areas Vegetation cover Thick forest eg Amazon Basin Difficult to clear
Factors affecting population density Densely populated areas Mineral resources Eg coal in Western Europe Eg oil in Brunei Sparsely populated areas Mineral resources Lack of minerals / energy resources
Factors affecting population density Densely populated areas Accessibility Good transport system Encourages trade, tourism, settlement, etc Sparsely populated areas Accessibility High mountains, thick forest hinders accessibility
Factors affecting population density Level of development Low level – few people eg poor farming methods; few factories High level – more people eg offices, high-tech factories … generate more jobs … more people
Other factors affecting population density Government decisions Examples?