Introducing Population Lesson 1 Population change Introducing Population By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe the global population change in the last 200 years. 2. Compare the different levels of population in EMDC and ELDC. 3. Explain how fertility and mortality rates influence population growth.
Where do all the people live? Lesson 1 Population change Where do all the people live? Where do most folks live? Why do people live in the most popular countries? Is this sustainable?
Global Population Work as a pair. You have 5 minutes: Lesson 1 Population change Global Population Work as a pair. You have 5 minutes: 1. Which country has the highest population? 2. Which country has the highest population in proportion to its size? 3. Which country has the lowest population? 4. Which country do you think has experienced the highest population increase in recent years?
Global Population Growth Lesson 1 Population change Global Population Growth Why so high? Why so low?
Lesson 2 Population change Why live there? Factors influencing population distribution and density By the end of the lesson you will be able to: List the reasons that influence population distribution Describe human factors that encourage high populations Describe physical factors that prevent high population density
Population DISTRIBUTION Lesson 2 Population change What is... Population DENSITY Describes the way in which people are spread out across an area. The number of people per square kilometre. and Population DISTRIBUTION
population density and distribution Lesson 2 Population change Factors influencing population density and distribution RELIEF Areas with high altitude and steep slopes are difficult places on which to build or grow crops
population density and distribution Lesson 2 Population change Factors influencing population density and distribution RELIEF Low-lying, flat areas are easier to farm but may be vulnerable to flooding Areas with high altitude and steep slopes are difficult places on which to build or grow crops
population density and distribution Lesson 2 Population change Factors influencing population density and distribution The sunniest part of the UK is the south coast of England Many people choose to retire to places like Eastbourne and Worthing Lower temperatures in northern Britain in winter and summer mean that living and farming conditions are more difficult CLIMATE
population density and distribution Lesson 2 Population change Factors influencing population density and distribution ROCK TYPE The presence of coal deposits was a major factor in population distribution in industrial countries from the 19th century onwards This is the rugged landscape of Dartmoor. It is a granite upland the relief, high rainfall and poor soils mean that is unsuitable for any farming except sheep rearing
population density and distribution Lesson 2 Population change Factors influencing population density and distribution ACCESSIBILITY Motorway network ports Together with Shetland and Orkney the Western Isles are the remotest parts of the UK. Harsh weather as well as distance make them inaccessible
population density and distribution Technological development Lesson 2 Population change Factors influencing population density and distribution resources soil Technological development communications Economic activities
Urban and Rural populations Lesson 2 Population change Urban and Rural populations Describe and explain the differences between urban and rural populations. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe urbanisation for MEDC and LEDC List different push pull factors Compare the increase of urbanisation in MEDCs and LEDCs
What are these places and why live there? Lesson 2 Population change Almost half of the world’s population lives in only 1% of the total space? What are these places and why live there?
Lesson 2 Population change URBANISATION The increasing percentage of the population living in urban areas. 1950 Urban population Rural population World 29% 71% EMDCs 54% 46% ELDCs 17% 83% Where do most people live? Compare ELDC & EMDC How has it changed over 50 years? 2000 Urban population Rural population World 49% 51% EMDCs 75% 25% ELDCs 40% 60%
Push factors Pull factors Rural countryside Urban cities Lesson 2 Population change Push factors Rural countryside Urban cities Pull factors
Reasons to LEAVE the country Lesson 2 Population change Push factors Rural countryside Urban cities Reasons to LEAVE the country Unemployment not enough land to farm famine and drought natural hazards poorer services basic amenities boredom
Reasons to GO TO the city Lesson 2 Population change Reasons to GO TO the city ... The promise of... Jobs and money shops and entertainment better paid jobs offices and factories schools and medical facilities Rural countryside Urban cities Pull factors
Push factors Pull factors Rural countryside Urban cities Lesson 2 Population change Push factors Rural countryside Urban cities Pull factors
Migration from Poland to the UK Lesson 2 Population change Migration from Poland to the UK Describe and explain the differences between urban and rural populations. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe List Compare
Fertility and Mortality rates Lesson 2 Population change Fertility and Mortality rates Explain how fertility and mortality influence population change. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe List Compare
Fertility and Mortality rates Lesson 2 Population change Fertility and Mortality rates Explain how fertility and mortality influence population change.
Demographic Transition Graph Lesson 2 Population change Demographic Transition Graph Explain how fertility and mortality influence population change. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe the different stages in the Demographic Transition Graph. Explain the relationship at each stage between fertility, mortality and growth. Suggest reasons for the total population at each stage of the graph
Demographic Transition Graph Which stage is Britain at now? Lesson 2 Population change Demographic Transition Graph How long do you think it takes for a country to progress from Stage 1 to Stage 5? Which stage is Britain at now?
Demographic Transition Graph Lesson 2 Population change Demographic Transition Graph Explain how fertility and mortality influence population change. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Describe the different stages in the Demographic Transition Graph. Explain the relationship at each stage between fertility, mortality and growth. Suggest reasons for the total population at each stage of the graph