Density is a measure of how closely packed organisms are in a population Calculated by … DENSITY # of individuals area (units 2 ) = population density
Distribution refers to how organisms are spaced out in their habitat DISTRIBUTION
A population’s size changes are the result of 4 factors Births, deaths, immigration, emigration Births and immigration increase size Deaths and emigration decrease size GROWTH
Population growth is first influenced by available resources Food, water, territory Populations grow exponentially if resources are unlimited GROWTH
Resource limitations eventually slow a population’s growth Logistic growth has a “leveling off” period of time Population reaches its carrying capacity Carrying capacity = maximum # of individuals habitat can support GROWTH
Limits to growth fall into two categories Density dependent limiting factors Increase their pressure as population size grows Examples: predation, competition, disease Density independent limiting factors Pressure remains constant regardless of population size Examples: weather, natural disasters, seasonal changes LIMITS TO GROWTH