PageMain Heading (Wordart size 40) Sub heading (Different colour Wordart size 24) Writing must be in a general text box (Size 14) What to do in this section 1Leaving Certificate Construction Studies Design portfolio 2015 Candidate Exam no.:______ When you have fully manufactured you project you will take a picture of it and put it in the centre of the page. 2Table of contentsInsert a table 18 rows x 2 columns Complete page headings now (On left of this sheet) Complete page numbers when finished portfolio 3BriefWrite out your chosen brief Make a statement in relation to the built environment (In bold) Now give some design features, building/ architectural details, limitations etc. that must be incorporated into your project’s design. Look up past JC woodwork briefs for examples. 4-6Analysis of Brief Overall aim of my project. Main objectives of my project. Explanation of key words Building/Architectural detail to show. (Roof, floor, walls, foundations, architectural styles etc.) Design Limitations. (Scale/Size/ Proportion of project) Design Features (Form and shape of project) In this section you will analyse (examine, discuss and describe) your chosen brief. Break your brief down into its main elements & discuss them in terms of any relevant sub headings. Use 3-4 neat coloured sketches to help explain your points. Page HeadingPage Number Cover Page1 Table of Contents2 Brief3 Analysis of Brief4-6
PageMain Heading (Wordart size 40) Sub heading (Different colour Wordart size 24 ) Writing must be in a general text box (Size 14) What to do in this section 7-11Investigation and Research What makes a good 3D model Types of foundation systems Types of walling systems Types of flooring systems Types of opening systems Types of roofing systems Types of Irish cottages Types of stoning systems Project finishing details 3D card model of project Explain any (and more) of the across sub headings that are relevant to your project. Use neat and coloured sketches, real pictures you took yourself of any of the across building details, Short extracts from the internet etc. In this section you need to prove to the examiner that you done all this research YOURSELF…and not all taken off the internet.(You will get very little or even zero marks for anything that is not your own work!) Put in a picture of the card model you made and explain what you learned from making it in terms of size/scale/proportion of project and how this will influence the size/scale/proportion of your actual project Development of Design Ideas Design idea 1 Design idea 2 Design idea 3 In this section you are to make a neat, coloured and labelled sketch of your design idea no.____ in the centre of the page. Explain what building details it shows etc. Say what advantages/disadvantages are associated with making this design. (Too big/small, too much/little detail in it, time issues, resource/material/cost issues etc.) In your next design idea you must then show how your last design idea influenced this one, and complete the first 3 bullets point above once again. You must show a logical progression throughout your 3 design ideas Final Solution Description of my final solution How my 3 possible design ideas influenced my final solution Make one main neat, coloured and labelled sketch of your final solution of your project Describe your final solution. Use some notes to explain how your 3 possible design ideas influenced your final solution. Use smaller sketches around your main sketch to explain what it shows. Explain how you plan on making certain parts of the project and how they work etc.
PageMain Heading (Wordart size 40) Sub heading (Different colour Wordart size 24) Writing must be in a general text box (Size 14) What to do in this section 17-20Materials Timber: Read Deal, MDF, Oak, Ash, Dowel etc. Cardboard, (colour) paper etc. Poly filler Insulation (Fiberglass/Rigid) Plastic (What type) DPC Slates, metals etc. Straw, baling twine, cord etc. Egg cartons Gravel, sand, stone, dust etc. Brillo pads (For making trees) Dried garlic (For making grass) Explain how and why you are going to use any (and more) of the relevant materials across to make certain parts of your project. Use real images/ sketches of each of the different materials mentioned Joining Methods Glue joint (Hot, super, PVA glue etc) Nail/pin joint Screw joint Mortise & tenon Joint Housing joint etc. Using sketches and bullet points, explain any of the relevant (and more) joining methods as listed across and how you plan on using them in the manufacture of your project. 24Working Drawings and Sketches Put main heading in the centre middle of the page as the next 2 pages will be pencil drawings on A3 drawing paper In this section you will use A3 drawing paper to made a scaled working drawing of your project in pencil or using CAD or SolidWorks. It must show a Elevation, Plan and end view of your project. You must also label and dimension each part of the project. 25Cutting ListInsert a table 20 rows x 6 columns You must show on the table the sizes and lengths of materials to be cut for your project. Top headings are :Part name, Number of, Material, Thickness, Width, Length Now complete your cutting list under the given headings Part name Nmbr of MaterialThicknessWidthLength
PageMain Heading (Wordart size 40) Sub heading (Different colour Wordart size 24) Writing must be in a general text box (Size 14) What to do in this section 26-40Project Manufacture Making the foundations Making the walls Making the roof (Timbers, slates, felt etc. Making the______________ etc. Assembling the____________etc. Thatching/ slating the roof Laminating Finishing(Varnishing/polishing etc.) Explain using plenty of sketches and real pictures how you manufactured each of the key stages of your project. Picture/ sketch on one side of page, supporting bullet points on the other side. In this section, you must also mention if there was any part of your original design that you changed slightly and why it was/ had to be changed Health and Safety Use of the Bandsaw Cutting out the card Use of belt sander Use of glue (Hot, PVA, super etc.) Use of…..__________________ Select any 2 of the across and discuss using notes and real pictures and sketches the health and safety issues surrounding the mentioned procedure/ machine. Use images of the safety signs associated with the machine mentioned Evaluation How my project turned out. If I were to do it again Problems met and Solved Project vs Brief DON’T BE AFAID TO POINT OUT MISTAKES! This is a learning process! Overall how did it work out, what worked well and not so well….Include real pictures etc. Point out the changes you would make if you were to do it all over again… Smaller scale, better use of time, different use of materials, different methods etc. Show and explain any problems that you encountered during the manufacture of your project and how you solved/ fixed it. Copy and paste your original brief into this section and then underneath it, discuss how well your project met/ didn’t meet the brief.
PageMain Heading (Wordart size 40) Sub heading (Different colour Wordart size 24) Writing must be in a general text box (Size 14) What to do in this section 45-46Conclusion What I learned New skills/techniques/tools learned Thank you note Explain the overall learning that took place (I learned more about …________) Explain and show any new tool/skill/technique you learned etc. I would like to thank (Teacher, class mates, parents, neighbour)_________ for helping me when..etc..________ (Thank the people who made your project possible and how they helped you) 47-52Experiments Experiment 1: ________________ Experiment 2: ________________ Experiment 3: ________________ You must complete 3 simple experiments related to any aspect of the construction studies subject. Each experiment follows 6 main headings: Objective: (What the experiment has to show) Hypothesis: (What you expect to find by doing the experiment) Equipment: (Bullet point list the equipment needed and include a real picture/ sketch of the set up of the experiment) Procedure: (Bullet point list the step by step procedure of the experiment) Results: (Explain/illustrate the results of the experiment… use a grid if multiple results are recorded.) Conclusion: (Discuss what you have learned from the results of the experiment and how this applies to the given aspect of construction studies.)