Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages Barry Jones, University of Cambridge
The publication ‘Using the EPOSTL’ There are two sets of support materials to help users develop individual approaches to using the EPOSTL. Neither is intended to provide specific instructions as to how to use the EPOSTL but rather to share experiences and discuss issues (1) is the information folder published by the ECML in This suggests strategic measures for introducing the EPOSTL and why to use it (2) is the book ‘Using the EPOSTL’ (2011). This provides concrete examples of the EPOSTL in use through case studies, descriptions of good practice, and research results from teacher educators and student teachers. My presentation focuses on ‘Using the EPOSTL’
In ‘Using the EPOSTL’ teacher educators in 8 member states present: Eight case studies which explore initial contact with the EPOSTL and subsequently how it was used over time Three main contexts of use emerge: 1 in initial teacher education programmes based in a university or tertiary education 2 in teaching practice or practicum involving school mentors with/without university tutors 3 in in-service teacher programmes
Main focuses of the 8 case studies: Integrating the EPOSTL into an existing teacher education programme and piloting in the university course and in teaching practice Supporting a reflective mode of teacher education and developing a deeper understanding of theory and practice Promoting and enhancing co-operation with school- based mentors Facilitating dialogue between students, university tutors and school mentors Evaluating and re-assessing the aims and content of a teacher education programme
Within these contexts the EPOSTL sections referred to are: (1) When introducing and using the EPOSTL in established university courses: The Personal Statement and a staged, six-step approach (Czech Republic) Lesson Planning (Norway) Reading (Iceland), Methodology especially reading, listening, writing, speaking, teaching grammar and vocabulary (Sweden)
EPOSTL sections also found pertinent were: (2) When developing mentor expertise and confidence: Reading (Norway) Lesson Planning, Conducting a lesson (Iceland, Norway, Sweden) The Personal Statement (Sweden)
EPOSTL sections referred to: (3) When developing an awareness of and links between theory and practice Lesson planning and Conducting a lesson (Austria, Norway, UK)
EPOSTL sections referred to: (4) When developing teacher education programme content and student dialogue the Personal Statement (Finland) the Dossier (Sweden) Lesson Planning, Conducting a Lesson, Methodology (especially Speaking) (UK)
EPOSTL sections referred to: (5) When developing and evaluating a teacher education programme: Example 1 as a research tool: Methodology, Resources, Lesson Planning, Conducting a Lesson & Assessment of Learning (Croatia) Example 2 moving from classroom practice to independent learning: Methodology, Lesson Planning, Conducting a Lesson, & Assessment of Learning (UK)
A dominant aim for using the EPOSTL emerged as: To develop a common understanding of reflection as a dialogic process designed to improve teaching performance.