Part-Time/Graduate Entry LL.B. Degree Course Admissions Process / Entry Requirements
Application process depends on whether you are applying for part-time or full-time study Entry requirements depend upon whether you are an adult returner or a graduate entrant
Download application form from the Law School Web pages: Although places are not limited, please do not delay in applying! Deadline for applications is the end of August Ensure the reference, copy of educational qualifications (transcript) and administration fee follow your application. Applications Process: Part-Time
Each application will be assessed on its own merits and the decision will be conveyed by letter via Student Admissions. Some applicants may be invited to attend our Mature Entry Test (MET) and this can be arranged after we receive your qualifications and references. Early applications are therefore recommended. Application Process: Part-Time (cont)
Apply online via Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS) Do not delay in applying! Deadline for applications is …….. Application Process: Full-Time (Graduate Entrant)
Graduates Applying for Part-time Study Degree within the last 5 years Any discipline A meritorious ordinary degree or a 2:1 (Hons) degree (or better). Degree transcript required 21 years old on start date of course Automatic Offer
Graduates Applying for Part-time Study Alternative qualifications will be considered on a case-by- case basis Recent study Relevant work/voluntary experience Possible Mature Entry Test Discretionary Offer
Graduates Applying for Full-Time Study AUTOMATIC OFFER: A meritorious ordinary degree or a 2:1 (Hons) degree in any discipline. Completed within the previous five years DISCRETIONARY OFFER: – Alternative qualifications will be considered on a case-by- case basis. – Older degree – Relevant work experience – Other factors such as voluntary work o r other experience suggesting aptitude
Non-Graduates Applying for Part-Time Study 21 years old on start date of course Academic achievement within last 5 years 4 Highers at BBBB in 1 sitting (inc. English) Exceptionally 2 sittings HND in Legal Studies (Merit) = automatic offer Qualifications
Non-Graduates Applying for Part-Time Study Applications assessed on individual merits Other factors taken into account: e.g., relevant experience No formal qualifications or more than 5 years old:
Relevant Experience Vocational qualifications/exams Courses/Seminars Employment experience e.g. Union rep Voluntary experience e.g. CAB, Children’s Panel Other exposure to legal system
Application Information Required Tell us about your experience – employment, educational and voluntary Good (and relevant) references As much information as possible to be able to assess your application
Non-Graduates Conditional offer after: - Mature Entry Test (MET) - Pre- Entry Access course (1 year)
Mature Entry Test (MET) Looking for 2 hour written test Discussion of current legal issues No legal knowledge needed Informed discussion, ability to analyse, reason, and construct an argument Excellent command of English
Examples of Topics for MET Assisted suicide Should we legalise drugs? Should the Scottish Parliament have more powers? Do criminals have too many human rights?
Pre-Entry Access Course Three Courses, including English and Law Time management skills Experience of lectures, assignments and examinations 65% average required Organised through the Centre for Lifelong Learning: apply in May 2014 to Linda Anderson ( )
Application Forms Part-Time Study: Law School website llbpart-time/ Full-Time Study: UCAS website
Contacts at the Law School Full-Time Graduate Entry Fiona Barrie: Shazia Rafiq: Part-time (Graduate and Non-graduate) Entry Fiona Barrie: Shazia Rafiq: